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Friday 11/15/19 09:00am
Posted By Dev Singh
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The Building Blocks of Intelligent Robotics

One of the exciting aspects of technology is seeing how different fields converge to provide cool new solutions. As a robotics developer, I’m very excited to see how artificial intelligence (AI) is finding its way into the field of robotics.

Monday 11/11/19 09:20am
Posted By Rajan Mistry
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eSports: Following the Rise of a new Sport

I still remember my first eSports event, or rather, multi-player video game party that I attended during college. A group of us put our heavy PCs and CRT monitors on a ping pong table, connected them using a token ring network wired with coax cables, and launched our first-person shooter in multi-player mode hoping for the best. Unfortunately, it didn’t make for a great experience as the network connectivity was sketchy at best, and one of the slower machines brought down the framerate on all of our machines.


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