
Welcome to the QDN blog! We regularly post blogs on a wide array of topics for our developers. From AI, gaming, XR, robotics, IoT, Snapdragon tools, and even 5G. Scroll down to see our most recent posts, and review our Blog Topics in the right navigation.
Thursday 10/3/19 09:00am
Posted By Felix Baum
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Handling Moving Objects in Video Capture

Computer vision applications often need to process multi-frame images, such as those acquired through video capture. As a result, one of the most important aspects of this processing is the ability to identify and track objects as they move, and as the viewport changes. Uses cases for these capabilities are virtually endless, ranging from robotics vision processing (e.g., SLAM) and autonomous vehicles, to analysis of security footage and augmented reality.

Tuesday 9/17/19 09:00am
Posted By Leilani DeLeon
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Key Takeaways from ChinaJoy 2019

ChinaJoy Brings the Joy

ChinaJoy is a digital entertainment expo and conference held annually in China where vendors, including Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QTI) and other key industry players, gather to show off their latest games and technology offerings. Now that the event has wrapped up, we thought this would be a good time to reflect on the event and draw attention to a few key takeaways of interest to mobile game developers.
Thursday 9/12/19 09:00am
Posted By Pankaj Kedia
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How to use AI to enhance today’s wearables

Wearables have been part of our lives for years, but now we are at a convergence point for wearables where hardware and software, in combination with artificial intelligence (AI), can help improve lives. In this blog we’ll take a closer look at how developers can use AI to enhance the functionality of wearables through new form factors and experiences, and help you take advantage of this growing space.


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