
Welcome to the QDN blog! We regularly post blogs on a wide array of topics for our developers. From AI, gaming, XR, robotics, IoT, Snapdragon tools, and even 5G. Scroll down to see our most recent posts, and review our Blog Topics in the right navigation.
Monday 12/9/19 08:42am
Posted By Rajan Mistry
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Top 5 QDN Projects for 2019

Technology resources available through Qualcomm Developer Network (QDN) are used by many different types of developers around the world ranging from our industry customers, OEMs, and ecosystem players, to makers, students, and hobbyists.

Our Projects Page showcases these talents and the use of our technologies through clever projects that you can read about and recreate.

Thursday 12/5/19 09:00am
Posted By Todd LeMoine
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Nreal: A Vision for a Lighter Pair of Mixed Reality Glasses

Over the last few years, the size and weight of head-mounted displays for mixed reality (MR) applications has continued to decrease while also becoming much more comfortable to wear for longer periods of time. But when compared to traditional glasses worn daily by millions of people, the weight and style of MR wearables remains an issue, especially for consumers who often make product purchases based on both form and function. In realizing this, one company has set out to try and satisfy both of these critical elements in the MR segment with new light-weight MR glasses.

Wednesday 11/20/19 09:00am
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The rise of eSIMs and iSIMs and their impact on IoT

As a developer and a consumer, we have all faced the limitations of Subscriber Identification Modules or "SIM” cards, those tiny little chips that fit on your finger tip to provide your mobile device with its own unique phone number as well as the provisioning and billing capabilities that go with it. Who hasn’t spent time digging around for the right tool (or paperclip!) to open the tiny slot and then struggle to replace an old SIM with a new one?


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