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Friday 5/5/17 10:35am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: Voice Search & Cloud Computing with Joseph Chiu

Qualcomm® Developer Network Developer of the Month Joseph Chiu has created two excellent projects to help you connect hardware to the cloud. Joseph’s projects include creating a smart speaker using the Snapdragon® 212 processor on an APQ8009 board, as well as a guide to connecting the Snapdragon 212 processor to Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform.

Thursday 4/27/17 02:14pm
Posted By Leilani DeLeon
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New Developer Journeys: Extending into New Development Areas

It’s a great time to learn something new. Technologies including the cloud, IoT, machine learning and virtual reality are reshaping entire industries and opening doors to innovations almost unimaginable a decade ago. Some of this is through new technology, and some represents existing technology used in new ways -- an example we recently discussed with the ever-increasing convergence of hardware and software.

Friday 4/21/17 10:56am
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Wearable Robotic Fashion: Tentacles, Fabric & DragonBoard 410c

Ever since high school, I’ve had a wild fashion dream: to design a robot dress. Not just any robot dress, mind you, but an elegant gown that can do things like hug people and move with me as I wear it. Never did I imagine that by revealing this fantasy during an interview, I’d have the opportunity to inspire so many people.

Smart Girls and #AskHerMore


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