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Thursday 2/23/17 02:49pm
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Start Cooking with Heterogeneous Computing Tools on QDN

How can I improve the performance of my application? How can I get more out of my hardware?

If limited processing power, energy management and thermal issues are important to your product’s performance, learning about heterogeneous computing could be the answer to your questions.

Tuesday 2/7/17 09:20am
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QCA4010 in a Development Kit: Hostless, Low-Power Wi-Fi SoC

You’ve built out your embedded Internet of Things (IoT) SW application and you need a Wi-Fi platform to run it on, with low power consumption and a rich set of communication protocols and physical interfaces.

Time to look at the QCA4010 Wi-Fi module from Qualcomm® Technologies, Inc. (QTI). It’s available now in an evaluation kit for professional embedded developers and system engineers.

Monday 1/30/17 11:38am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Making Virtual Reality Truly Immersive

Virtual Reality has been touted for the past several years as the next big thing – and its history goes back even further than many of us realize (the first prediction of VR goes back to a science fiction story from the 1930s!) – but now we may have reached an inflection point for VR.


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