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Tuesday 2/16/16 10:02am
Posted By Kevin Hawkins
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Introducing Vulkan – Explicit Control Over Graphics Acceleration

Vulkan is here from the Khronos Group, and it’s designed to make it easier for developers to use the GPU for greater realism in 3D graphics and greater efficiency in compute applications.

That’s big news, especially if your apps use the Adreno™ GPU found inside the Snapdragon® processor. We’re devoting a series of blog posts to the launch of Vulkan so you can hit the ground running.

Wednesday 2/10/16 10:02am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: Joe Healy & KineticCare Teammates Win At AT&T Hackathon

When you bring together a tech-savvy crew of developers who also have a personal stake in the solution they are trying to build, the results are bound to be impressive. That was the case for the Tampa, Florida-based team behind KineticCare, who traveled to Las Vegas at the beginning of January to compete in the 2016 AT&T Developer Summit Hackathon.


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