
Welcome to the QDN blog! We regularly post blogs on a wide array of topics for our developers. From AI, gaming, XR, robotics, IoT, Snapdragon tools, and even 5G. Scroll down to see our most recent posts, and review our Blog Topics in the right navigation.
Friday 3/4/16 09:00am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: Greg Powell & Team Robbie Build a Robot to Make Recycling Fun

Let’s face facts: recycling is a real chore. Yes, we all know it is important, but it takes time to sort through all the stuff that can be recycled versus what you should just throw away. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some options out there to make recycling easier, and maybe even reward the person doing the recycling?

Thursday 2/25/16 09:53am
Posted By Ketal Gandhi
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DragonBoard 410c Maker Month Contest: The Tools You Need

Have you started working on your entry for the DragonBoard 410c Maker Month Contest yet? Throughout March, we’re giving away one DragonBoard 410c per day to qualified makers who submit the best ideas for what they would create with the board.

I posted last time about the DragonBoard 410c Contest and why we’re sponsoring it. Now I want to cover the accessories and supported software that will help you come up with great ideas.

Tuesday 2/23/16 02:02pm
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Guest Blog: Silk Labs Build Their Product Using Development Boards & Resources From Qualcomm Developer Network

At Qualcomm Developer Network, we love hearing from developers who are using our hardware platforms and software tools in their development. Not only does it give us an understanding of what tools are helpful but how they are being used. This insight helps our product teams build future products and tools that are designed to meet the needs of our developer community. Here is one such company and their experience in designing a new product with resources from Qualcomm Developer Network.

Monday 2/22/16 10:50am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Ready to Develop for IoT and IBM Watson? DragonBoard 410c Gets You There

Admit it: You’ve been itching to use IBM Watson ever since you saw it win on Jeopardy. Your mobile and web applications are pulling in more data than you’ll ever be able act on programmatically, so you want to try out the cognitive computing in IBM Watson.

Admit this too: You’ve been itching to develop for the Internet of Things (IoT), but you don’t know enough about it – how to program in it, which platform to use, how to build an intelligent device at the edge of the network.


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