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Monday 10/17/16 01:12pm
Posted By Jay Yun
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Matrix Multiply on Adreno GPUs – Part 2: Host Code and Kernel

This is the second and final part of a guest post by Vladislav Shimanskiy, one of our Adreno™ engineers. His previous post explained the concepts behind an optimized implementation of device-side matrix multiply (MM) kernels and host-side reference code for Adreno 4xx and 5xx GPU families. In this post, he walks you through OpenCL listings you can use to implement the kernels and host code.

Monday 10/10/16 01:54pm
Posted By Jay Yun
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Matrix Multiply on Adreno GPUs – Part 1: OpenCL Optimization

The matrix multiply (MM) operation has become very popular on GPUs thanks to recent interest in deep learning, which depends on convolutions. We’ve been hearing from developers who want to accelerate deep learning (DL) applications on Snapdragon® processors with Adreno™ GPUs.

Monday 10/10/16 12:16pm
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: Manoharan Ramachandran Describes Using Snapdragon Processors in His Road Safety App "Drowsy Driver"

Meet Manoharan Ramachandran, our developer of the month for October. Manoharan is the creator of Drowsy Driver, a road safety app to keep drivers from falling asleep at the wheel. We talked to him about how Snapdragon® processors were a game-changer in the development of his app, and he also shared with us some of his innovative problem solving techniques!

Friday 9/23/16 09:07am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Intern Hackathon Part 1: Can a Cap Help the Visually Impaired?

At Qualcomm®, we are pretty lucky to work with some very talented interns. It also happens that we have a lot of cool tech for them to play with! So, it only seems natural that we should put both interns and tech through their paces with a hackathon! Thus, HackMobile 2016, a hackathon for Qualcomm interns was created.


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