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Tuesday 7/5/16 03:29pm
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Guest Blog: Developing for LG Devices with a Little Help from the LG Friends SDK

LG has globally launched a variety of new accessories called LG Friends. Friend devices currently include cameras, a virtual reality (VR) headset, a wireless headset and a charging cradle, with more accessories on the way.

Qualcomm Technologies and LG are working together to help developers explore new features and technologies. With LG Friends come new opportunities for development on Snapdragon processors.

Tuesday 6/7/16 10:00am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: Paul Sokolovsky Knows Good Things Come in Small Packages with MicroPython

They say that good things come in small packages. Maybe they should say “micro packages”. Our latest developer of the month, Paul Sokolovsky (pictured below), is working on projects that require microcontrollers (MCU) and software that have been scaled down for use in highly portable formats. And to get the job done, he uses a DragonBoard 410c for development and testing purposes.


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