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Thursday 1/26/17 10:00am
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DSP Libraries for Computer Vision and GEMM in Hexagon SDK 3.1

Have you started DSP programming with the Qualcomm® Hexagon™ SDK 3.1 yet? When we released the kit, I posted about the compiler for C++11/14 that we included so you can move code traditionally run on the CPU to the DSP, without the need to rewrite all of that code.

That’s a pretty good reason for you to download Hexagon SDK 3.1 and try your hand at DSP programming. Are you ready for two more?

Thursday 1/19/17 03:01pm
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Looking Ahead at 2017

2017 is poised to be a year of incredible opportunity and excitement for developers. As we look to build upon the successes and momentum seen in the past year – with mass consumer adoption of new technologies, proliferation of connected and intelligent devices that are ‘always on’, and breakthroughs in fields such as machine learning, speech and visual recognition and autonomous vehicles – in many ways it feels like it’s 2007 at the dawn of the smartphone, but with numerous game-changing technologies instead of one.

Wednesday 1/11/17 10:33am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: What Can Machine Learning Bring to Photography? Find out with Nikos Fragoulis of IRIDA Labs

How can we transform the hardware that we already have around us? Qualcomm® Developer of the Month Nikos Fragoulis has some interesting answers.

We can connect more devices than ever. Perhaps the defining character of the Internet of Things boom will come from new kinds of ‘intelligence’ we can give our Things. Embedded and in the cloud, machine learning techniques are bringing new possibilities to our mobile devices.


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