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Thursday 7/12/18 09:00am
Posted By Hiren Bhinde
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XR1 Platform Makes It Real for Developers

Extended reality (XR) refers to the wide range of virtual-to-real world environments including VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), and various combinations of the two. XR is a hot topic and XR technologies are finding their way into new applications beyond games and entertainment including healthcare, education, manufacturing, and retail.

Tuesday 7/3/18 09:00am
Posted By Rajan Mistry
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AWS (Lambda + Greengrass) + DragonBoard™ 410c = Edge Computing for IoT

If you detected a great opportunity and started writing apps with AWS Lambda, pat yourself on the back. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation surveyed its members and found that 41 percent use serverless technology; of those, 70 percent use AWS Lambda to write their apps for serverless. Isn’t it gratifying to jump on a tech wave early on and take it for a good, long ride?


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