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Friday 9/7/18 01:59pm
Posted By Hongqiang Wang
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OpenCL Optimization: Stop Leaving Compute Cycles on the Table

Co-written by Hongqiang Wang, Raga Ramachandra, and Alex Bourd

Have you started programming on the Qualcomm® Adreno™ GPU yet? For compute-intensive operations, you’ll find cycles in the GPU that you can’t afford to leave on the table.

Your apps can get higher performance with lower power consumption when you optimize your code for specific GPUs. With heterogeneous computing you can offload tasks like image/video processing and machine learning inference from CPU to GPU.

Thursday 8/16/18 02:00pm
Posted By Enrico Ros
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Intern Hack Mobile 2018 – Getting Creative with Artificial Intelligence

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. hosts an annual hackathon for our interns, and every year they push the boundaries of mobile innovation. This year was no exception and we were, once again, dazzled by their creations! After just 16 hours, Team FaceBlock, consisting of Oles Andrienko, Zhiyu Liang, and Alexander Li, was named one of the top three finalists.


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