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Thursday 8/20/20 09:00am
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Deploying robotics applications — Using image segmentation to drive the Turtlebot3 Burger

Image segmentation is a process of subdividing an image into constituent parts or objects for detailed analysis. The resulting high-level information is useful in computer vision applications, like the self-driving robot described in the QDN learning resource Qualcomm Robotics RB3 Drives Turtlebot 3 Burger.

Tuesday 8/18/20 09:00am
Posted By Brian Vogelsang
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Looking for rapid development in AR? Take a page from Youbiquo’s book

Suppose you're building a new augmented reality (AR) wearable for an enterprise customer who needs it as soon as possible. Should you cobble together technologies like 3D rendering, computer vision and natural language processing on your own, or use components that already contain them as an integrated whole?

That was an easy decision for Youbiquo when it was designing and engineering its Talens Halo, and it should be an easy one for you too.


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