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Tuesday 7/28/15 10:59am
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Snapdragon Profiler: Find Bottlenecks and Optimize Your Code Faster

You can spend hours or even days trying to hunt down performance bottlenecks in your code. You can look for them in your app code that runs on the CPU, GPU, network and in memory by stepping through the code to enable/disable certain parts of the code, recompile and run the different configurations of the app on the device to understand the overhead of certain parts of the code. You will waste hours or days doing that and still you may be no closer to finding and optimizing the code that’s hogging resources.

Thursday 7/23/15 01:00pm
Posted By Morris Novello
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How to Use FastRPC to Offload from CPU to Qualcomm® Hexagon™ DSP

What do drones, robots and cameras have in common?

They can all take advantage of the DSP for higher performance in real-time tasks. In drones, that means flight control; in robots, that means balance and walking; and in cameras, it means image pre- and post-processing. Offloading real-time tasks from the CPU to the DSP is a big step toward higher performance, with the sweetener of much lower power consumption.

Thursday 7/9/15 11:00am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: Nathaniel Wendt Brings a Big-Picture Approach to Problem Solving

Are you a big picture thinker, or someone who gets absorbed by solving all of the little problems that go along with app development and coding? Wouldn’t it be great if you could combine both perspectives in your day-to-day work? That is how developer of the month Nathaniel Wendt, a postgraduate student working on his doctorate at the University of Texas at Austin, tries to approach his work by combining big ideas with his vision for how to solve problems.


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