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Thursday 3/5/20 01:34pm
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Heterogeneous Computing for your Demanding Apps

Today’s apps demand a lot from our mobile devices. From games to VR, and signal processing to AI, modern apps are truly multifaceted, placing all sorts of demands on our devices. For mobile developers this creates a major challenge: how to optimize for performance while meeting the demand for power efficiency and long battery life. And how can we deliver on both needs when the growing requirement for computing power seems to always outpace advances in battery technology?

Tuesday 3/3/20 11:14am
Posted By Rajan Mistry
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Choosing Actuators for Your Robotics Projects

For Robots to interact with the real world, there are two basic steps: the first step is to sense their surrounding environments, and next step is to act on that sensed data by navigating to avoid obstacles, or manipulating objects. When it comes to navigating the environment and manipulating objects, robotics developers rely on the actuator, a component that turns electronic commands into real-world movements.

Thursday 2/20/20 04:02pm
Posted By Hsin-I Hsu
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Use Cases That Benefit from Hexagon DSP SDK — Version 3.5 Available Now

DSP programmers: You’ve told us that the only thing worse than seeing your DSP workloads crash is having to send us the memory dump for analysis. And you’re right: It is a headache, or used to be, anyway. Now, with the latest version of the Qualcomm® Hexagon™ DSP SDK, you can analyze your own crash dump immediately, without all that delay.


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