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Tuesday 4/21/15 11:00am
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New Release: Deeper DSP Customization with Qualcomm® Hexagon™ SDK 2.0 (Part 1 of 2)

New chipset support. New target DSP. New real-time tuning. New compiler. New options for audio algorithms.

What are point-releases for, but to introduce new functions? We’ve recently released Hexagon SDK 2.0, with a fistful of ways you can take even greater advantage of the high performance and low power consumption waiting for you on the Hexagon DSP:

Tuesday 3/10/15 10:00am
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Developing for the Internet of Things

“I wish we’d never called it ‘smart.’ If I have to update the firmware on my blender, how is that a smart experience? Someday all of these objects will communicate, but in the meantime, it takes people to tinker with them. Calling things smart when we’re in this phase will just delay mass adoption.” — Matt Spolin, Sproutling

Wednesday 3/4/15 10:00am
Posted By Mike Roberts
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Developer of the Month: Michael Anderson and Hothead Games Are Riding the Mobile Wave

Michael Anderson is one of the software developers at Vancouver, British Columbia-based Hothead Games, and he was selected as Developer of the Month for March. Hothead Games was founded way back in 2006, when they originally focused on console and PC-based games. The company released several successful titles on XBLA, PSN and Steam, including Penny Arcade Adventures, Death Spank, and Swarm.


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