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Wednesday 3/31/21 07:32am
Posted By Megha Daga
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On-device AI with Developer-Ready Software Stacks

Are you still running your artificial intelligence workloads in the cloud? That may make sense for training your models, but if your applications depend on techniques like person detection and pose estimation to name a few, then it’s time you looked into on-device AI.

Tuesday 2/16/21 10:01am
Posted By Jonathan Wicks
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Improving VR Performance Using Motion Estimation OpenGL Extensions

Co-written by Jonathan Wicks and Sam Holmes

XR presents many challenges, with its high framerate requirements, high resolution, and low latency, all within a small power and thermal budget. One foundational technology that can be used to counter the workload increase in such an environment is motion estimation – the process of calculating the movement of objects across frames of recorded or rendered images.


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