
Welcome to the QDN blog! We regularly post blogs on a wide array of topics for our developers. From AI, gaming, XR, robotics, IoT, Snapdragon tools, and even 5G. Scroll down to see our most recent posts, and review our Blog Topics in the right navigation.
Tuesday 7/16/19 09:00am
Posted By Ana Schafer
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State of the 5G Nation

What’s new for developers on the 5G front?

A few weeks ago, I posted your 5G wake-up call, with hooks for 5G in the ConnectivityManager class in Android Q. As 5G rolls out and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QTI) tells that story, we’ll continue to post developer-oriented background and information.

Tuesday 7/9/19 09:00am
Posted By Rajan Mistry
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The Role of the Realtime Operating System (RTOS) in Mobile

What is an “RTOS” or “real time operating system” and why should embedded system and mobile developers care about it?


To understand the importance of RTOS, let’s start by looking at what a “general-purpose OS” (GPOS) is. You’re probably already familiar with GPOSes, as they’re the kind found on devices you use every day, like your smart phone and work PC (e.g., Android, Windows, etc.).


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