RB1RB2 SDK Toolchain

Off target compilation is needed to run apps on Qualcomm® Robotics RB1 and Qualcomm® Robotics RB2. We will use the respective toolchains for off target compilation.
See the steps below on how to install the SDK Toolchain

On the Ubuntu PC,

  1. The SDK Toolchain can be downloaded from the SDK Manager. The steps to get started with the SDKManager have been given in the Download and Install SDK Manager page.
  2. Once you are in the SDKManager and selected Qualcomm Robotics RB1 and/or Qualcomm Robotics RB2 platform, and one of the system image versions, type in help and select the option 3 to Download the SDK Toolchain

    You should see the following message.

  3. Install the SDK Toolchain
    Exit the SDK Manager and go to the sdk toolchain directory$ cd /root/QRB2210.LE.1.0-Post-CS2/sdk_toolchain/
    $ cd QRB2210.LE.1.0-Post-CS2-sdk
    $ ls
    $ chmod 777 rb-perf-x86_64-qti-robotics-med-image-aarch64-qrbx210-rbx-toolchain-200.sh
    $ ./ rb-perf-x86_64-qti-robotics-med-image-aarch64-qrbx210-rbx-toolchain-200.sh

You will see the following messages -
You can hit enter to continue installing the SDK in the default path mentioned or enter a new path and proceed. This will start the SDK installation.

QTI Linux robotics platform distro targeting performance builds. SDK installer version 200
Enter target directory for SDK (default: /usr/local/rb-perf-x86_64):
The directory "/usr/local/rb-perf-x86_64" already contains a SDK for this architecture.
If you continue, existing files will be overwritten! Proceed [y/N]? y
Extracting SDK.........................................

Upon completion of the installation, you get the message – SDK has been successfully setup and is ready to be used.

Note, each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script as shown below -

$ [target directory]/environment-setup-aarch64-oe-linux
$ [target directory]/environment-setup-aarch64-oe-linux-sdllvm

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