Results for: Computer Vision

AWS re:Invent 2021: 3 IIoT demos from QDN

Were you able to attend this year’s AWS re:Invent from November 29 – December 3? Whether you were able to travel to Las Vegas, or attend virtually, Qualcomm Developer Network was there on the expo...

What’s Next in Image Processing at the Edge with NexOptic

The term image processing encompasses many different tasks, including computational photography, computer vision algorithms, and even basics like image compression. One aspect all of these processes...

XR for a Changing World: Demos from the hubraum Mixed Reality Demo Day

In our blog, Creating a new Reality for Smartphones with Spatial Computing, we introduced hubraum, a tech incubator run by Deutsche Telekom that connects start-ups with industry telco players to...

Fast and Efficient Inference at the Edge with Pilot AI

Throughout the current pandemic, technologies like virtual meetings, IoT edge devices, and machine learning (ML), have played a vital role in allowing society to continue moving forward. And have...

Looking for rapid development in AR? Take a page from Youbiquo’s book

Suppose you're building a new augmented reality (AR) wearable for an enterprise customer who needs it as soon as possible. Should you cobble together technologies like 3D rendering, computer...


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