Release Notes

Telematics SDK v1.68.0

Date: 07/2024
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.3.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added new APIs to support Real Time Text (RTT) feature. Allows to upgrade and reject from voice call to RTT call and vice-versa and allows to send text message over RTT call. For more information, refer to telux::tel::ICallManager, telux::tel::ICall and telux::tel::ICallListener.
  • Added new utility to retrieve encoded bytes of eCall MSD. For more information, refer to telux::tel::ICallManager::encodeECallMsd.
  • Added new utility to retrieve encoded bytes of optional additional data content as per the Euro NCAP specification. For more information, refer to telux::tel::ICallManager::encodeEuroNcapOptionalAdditionalData.
  • Added new APIs to set and retrieve preferred RF band capabilities and request API to retrieve supported RF capabilities of the device. For more information, refer to telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::requestRFBandPreferences, telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::setRFBandPreferences and telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::requestRFBandCapability. Also added listener API to listen for RF band preference changes. For more information, refer to telux::tel::IServingSystemListener::onRFBandPreferenceChanged.
  • Important: Updated telux::tel::ISmsManager::sendSms API parameter, i.e. deliveryReportNeeded, from optional to mandatory.


  • Added support for the new GNSS Signal type for BEIDOU and NAVIC. For more information, refer to telux::loc::GnssSignalType and telux::loc::GnssDataSignalTypes.
  • Added support for RF automatic gain control status for GNSS data and GNSS Measurements. For more information , refer to enum telux::loc::AgcStatus and structures telux::loc::GnssMeasurements and telux::loc::GnssData.
  • Added support for default OSNMA Merkle XML file.


  • Added new APIs to get and set mute during endless playback. Refer to telux::audio::IAudioPlayer::setMute and telux::audio::IAudioPlayer::getMute.
  • Documentation updates-
    • Updated the documentation for the enum telux::audio::AmrwbpFrameFormat::FILE_STORAGE_FORMAT and the structure telux::audio::StreamConfig.
    • Updated the documentation for telux::audio::IAudioManager::createStream and telux::audio::IAudioManager::deleteStream.


  • Added new APIs to set and retrieve bridge associated with hardware interface. For more information, refer to telux::data::IBridgeManager::setInterfaceBridge and telux::data::IBridgeManager::getInterfaceBridge.


  • Added new causes of CV2X radio failure. For more information, refer to enum telux::cv2x::Cv2xCauseType


  • Updated the documentation for telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::setModemActivityState. Remove the support for automatically enabling/disabling MPSS optimizations (LTE or 5G search or measurements scaled down) when system enters/exits suspend state using tel.conf file (power.enable_modem_activity_state_update). Now explicitly invoke the setModemActivityState() API to enable/disable MPSS optimization.


  • Added support for several APIs in simulation:-
    • Telephony - Added simulation support for IImsSettingsManager APIs including retrieve and set Service Config and also retrieve and set SIP user agent. The telsdk_console_app can be used to test the API responses.

Telematics SDK v1.67.0

Date: 05/2024
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.3.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added following new APIs
    • Added API to retrieve call barring information for the currently registered cell. Refer to telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::getCallBarringInfo.
    • Added API to retrieve SMS capability over IMS/3GPP network for currently registered Radio Access Technology(RAT). Refer to telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::getSmsCapabilityOverNetwork.
    • Added API to retrieve the Circuit-Switched(CS) service capabilities of the LTE network. Refer to telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::getLteCsCapability.
    • Added new APIs to retrieve network registration rejection information and also listen for network rejection events. Refer to telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::getNetworkRejectInfo
      and telux::tel::IServingSystemListener::onNetworkRejection.
    • Added API to configure signal strength based on delta, threshold list, hysteresis db and time hysteresis. Refer to telux::tel::IPhone::configureSignalStrength and telux::tel::WcdmaSignalStrengthInfo.
    • Updated documentation for eCall related APIs. Refer to telux::tel::ICallManager.
    • Added support for IMS-related and other call end cause codes. Refer to telux::tel::CallEndCause.
  • Deprecated APIs
    • Deprecated old API telux::tel::IPhone::configureSignalStrength which supported delta and threshold only. Refer to telux::tel::IPhone::configureSignalStrength


  • Added following new APIs
    • Added support for gPTP (Generalized Precision Time Protocol) time and real-time along with time uncertainty, in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) measurement reports. Refer to telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsClockValidityType.
    • Added support for time uncertainty in basic reports. Refer to telux::loc::LocationValidityType. Deprecated support for time uncertainty in detailed reports. Refer to telux::loc::LocationInfoExValidityType.
    • Added support for DGNSS (Differential Global Navigation Satellite System) station IDs in detailed reports and detailed engine reports. Refer to telux::loc::LocationInfoExValidityType and telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getDgnssStationIds.
  • Deprecated APIs
    • API accepting distance parameter for start basic reports has been deprecated. Instead a new API has been introduced that does not require distance parameter. Refer to telux::loc::ILocationManager::startBasicReports.


  • Added new APIs to get and set volume during endless playback. Refer to telux::audio::IAudioPlayer::setVolume and telux::audio::IAudioPlayer::getVolume.
  • Added support for playing different audio format files repeatedly. Clients can now provide a list of files they want to play, along with their corresponding audio stream configurations. and how to play them (one time or repeatedly). Refer to telux::audio::IAudioPlayer::startPlayback and structure telux::audio::PlaybackConfig for more details. 
  • Additionally minor documentation update related to stream creation. Refer to telux::audio::IAudioPlayer, telux::audio::IAudioManager and related enums.


  • Added a new interface telux::data::IClientManager which allows to get and reset data usage statistics for connected devices. Refer to telux::data::IClientListener, telux::data::DataFactory and telux::data::IDataSettingsManager.
  • Existing data profile API has been updated to include information about whether a data profile can be used for emergency services. Refer to telux::data::DataProfile.
  • Minor documentation update related to API permission. Refer to telux::data::IL2tpManager.


  • Added API that allows setting Euler angles to compute the rotational matrix and provide the final rotated sensor data to the clients. Refer to telux::sensor::ISensorManager::setEulerAngleConfig, telux::sensor::ISensorClient and telux::sensor::SensorConfiguration.


  • Add support for Diagnostic Log and Trace (DLT) for logging. Refer to and tel.conf for any configuration related to DLT in order to log in DLT.
  • Added new status code for permission denied. Refer to telux::common::Status.


Added support for several APIs in simulation:-

  • Audio
    • Enhanced Audio simulation for IAudioPlayer APIs including startPlayback, set and get volume. The audio_console_app can be used to test the API responses.
  • Location
    • The location_test_app can be used to test the below API responses for simulation. 
      • ILocationInfoEx API, such as getDgnssStationIds.
      • New ILocationManager API, such as startBasicReports.
      • Additionally simulation support has been added for gPTP time and real time, 
  • Telephony
    • Added simulation support for IServingSystemManager APIs including getCallBarringInfo and getNetworkRejectInfo. The telsdk_console_app can be used to test the API responses.

Telematics SDK v1.66.0

Date: 03/2024
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.3.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added a new interface telux::sec::IRandomNumberManager which is used to generate random number and random data by specifying Random Number Generator(RNG) source. Refer to telux::sec::IRandomNumberManager and telux::sec::SecurityFactory
  • Added APIs to list all trusted access points (APs) and remove the given access point from the saved list of trusted APs. Refer to telux::sec::IWiFiSecurityManager::getTrustedApList and telux::sec::IWiFiSecurityManager::removeApFromTrustedList.


  • Added new API to get current registered operator information and support notification for change in PLMN or change in network types (home or roaming).
  • Deprecated telux::tel::IPhone::requestOperatorName now refer to telux::tel::IPhone::requestOperatorInfo.


  • Added a new enum telux::loc::NavigationSolutionType that specifies solutions (corrections) used in the fix. Additionally, the enum telux::loc::SbasCorrectionType has been deprecated.
  • Added APIs for retrieving gPTP related information. This information can be used for correlating location information when sent across platforms. Refer to telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getElapsedGptpTime and telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getElapsedGptpTimeUnc.
  • Added APIs to retrieve GNSS Ephemeris information.
    Refer to telux::loc::ILocationListener::onGnssEphemerisInfo, telux::loc::ILocationManager::startDetailedEngineReports and
  • Documentation update to provide more information about filtering different types of location reports.
    Refer to telux::loc::ILocationManager::startDetailedReports, telux::loc::ILocationManager::startDetailedEngineReports and


  • Below new APIs are added in telux::data::IL2tpManager
    • Enables the addition and removal of L2TP session associated with the specified tunnel. For more detail refer to
      telux::data::IL2tpManager::addSession and telux::data::IL2tpManager::removeSession
    • Bind and unbind an L2TP Session to the specified backhaul. For more detail refer to
      telux::data::IL2tpManager::bindSessionToBackhaul and telux::data::IL2tpManager::unbindSessionFromBackhaul
    • Retrieve L2TP session bindings for the specified backhaul. For more detail refer to


Added support in simulation for the following APIs:-

  • Telephony
    • APIs such as telux::tel::IPhoneManager, telux::tel::IPhone, telux::tel::ICallManager, telux::tel::IServingSystemManager, telux::tel::INetworkSelectionManager and telux::tel::ImsServingSystemManager are simulated. The telsdk_console_app can be used to exercise the API responses.
  • Data
    • telux::data::IDataFilterManager, telux::data::IDataSettingsManager and telux::data::IServingSystemManager are simulated. These APIs response can be exercised by telsdk_console_app.
  • Audio
    • APIs such as telux::tel::IAudioManager are simulated. The audio_console_app can be used to exercise the API responses.


  • Updated enum class telux::cv2x::Cv2xCauseType with NO_DATA_CALL which specifies about CV2X status being inactive due to this cause type.


  • Documentation update related to asynchronous response callbacks after Subsystem Restart (SSR)

Telematics SDK v1.65.0

Date: 01/2024
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.3.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Call
    • Add support for local ringback tone notification. For more information refer to telux::tel::ICallListener::onRingbackTone and corresponding test application update.
  • IMSServingSystemManager
    • Added API for IMS PDP status information, such as PDP connection status and failure cause, and listen for IMS PDP status information change. For more information refer to telux::tel::IImsServingSystem::requestPdpStatus and telux::tel::IImsServingSystemListener::onImsPdpStatusInfoChange and corresponding test application update.
    • Added API to get/set IMS SIP user agent configuration and ability to listen for configuration change. For more information refer to telux::tel::IImsServingSystem::requestSipUserAgent, telux::tel::IImsServingSystem::setSipUserAgent and telux::tel::IImsSettingsListener::onImsSipUserAgentChange and corresponding test application update.
    • Added support for IMS service configuration that allows enabling or disabling RTT(Real Time Text) support on IMS. Refer to enum telux::tel::ImsServiceConfigType and structure telux::tel::ImsServiceConfig.
  • ServingSystemManager
    • Extended API to set and query the RAT mode preference to support the NSA and SA modes for NR5G. For more information refer to enum telux::tel::RatPrefType


  • Added support in simulation for the following APIs:-
    • telux::tel::ISensorFeatureManager APIs are simulated and telsdk_console_app can be used to exercise the API responses.


  • DataSettingsManager
    • Add support to reset current network settings to initial factory settings. For more information refer to telux::data::IDataSettingsManager::restoreFactorySettings API.


  • Deprecated telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioManager::updateConfiguration now refer to telux::cv2x::ICv2xConfig::updateConfiguration.


  • Minor documentation update. For more information refer to telux::sec::IWiFiSecurityManager, telux::sec::ICryptoAcceleratorManager and telux::sec::ICAControlManagerListener

Telematics SDK v1.64.0

Date: 12/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.3.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added API to support optional additional data for eCall MSD. For more information refer to telux::tel::ECallOptionalPdu and corresponding reference and test application updates.
  • Added support to dynamically enable/disable RF band info change notification. For more information refer to telux::tel::ServingSystemNotificationType, telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::registerListener and telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::deregisterListener APIs.
  • Deprecated telux::tel::INetworkSelectionManager::requestNetworkSelectionMode which takes telux::tel::SelectionModeResponseCallback as a parameter. Refer to new telux::tel::INetworkSelectionManager::requestNetworkSelectionMode which takes new callback telux::tel::SelectionModeInfoCb as a parameter.


Following APIs of the SDK have been simulated.

  • Telephony
    • telux::tel::IICellBroadcastManager APIs are simulated and telsdk_console_app can be used to exercise the API responses.
  • Data
    • telux::data::IDataConnectionManager are simulated and currently only single data call is supported. Also telux::data::IDataProfileManager APIs are simulated. These APIs response can be exercised by telsdk_console_app.


  • Added new API for Audio player which manages playing of audio files based on repeat information. For more information refer to telux::audio::AudioFactory::getAudioPlayer
  • Added new APIs to start and stop playback of audio playlist. For more information refer to telux::audio::IAudioPlayer and corresponding sample application updates.
  • Updated documentation for telux::audio::DeviceType.
  • Added sample application for loopback and tone.


  • Enhanced test application (location_test_app) to send NMEA GGA string to NTRIP server based on configuration.


  • Added new API for Random Number Management which generates random number from the FIPS compliant TRNG provided by the SOC. For more information refer to telux::sec::SecurityFactory::getRandomNumberManager
  • Added new APIs to generate random number and data. For more information refer to telux::sec::IRandomNumberManager and corresponding sample application updates

Telematics SDK v1.63.0

Date: 10/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added new APIs for diagnostic logging. For more information refer to telux::platform::diag::DiagnosticsFactory::getDiagLogManager.
  • New APIs added to configure, start and stop collection/draining of logs. For more information refer to telux::platform::diag::IDiagLogManager and telux::platform::diag::IDiagListener .
  • Added test application for diagnostic logging under apps/tests/diag_test_app.


  • Updated enum that specifies Location Capabilities Type. For more information refer to telux::loc::LocCapabilityType.
  • Updated telux::loc::LocationEngineRunState enum to retain calibration data when position engine is put into suspend state and corresponding test application updates.
  • Enable/disable diag logging for Xtra daemon. For more information refer to telux::loc::XtraConfig
  • Updated DGNSS status reported for RTCM injection. For more information refer to telux::loc::DgnssStatus
  • Minor documentation update. For more information refer to telux::loc::LocationListener::onGnssSignalUpdate.


  • Added API to configure signal strength notifications based on the RAT(s) delta or threshold provided. For more information refer to telux::tel:IPhone::configureSignalStrength and corresponding test application updates.


  • WiFiSecurityManager
    • Added API to get list of trusted APs. For more information refer to telux::sec::IWiFiSecurityManager::getTrustedApList
    • Added API to remove the given AP from the saved list of trusted APs. For more information refer to telux::sec::IWiFiSecurityManager::removeApFromTrustedList
    • Below API's are updated. For more information refer to telux::sec::IWiFiReportListener and IWiFiSecurityManager with corresponding test application updates.
      • Renamed telux::sec::IWiFiSecurityManager::deRegisterListener to telux::sec::IWiFiSecurityManager::deregisterListener
      • Now telux::sec::IWiFiReportListener::isTrustedAP takes telux::sec::ApInfo as a parameter instead of std::string.
    • Minor documentation update. For more information refer to telux::sec::SecurityFactory.


  • Updated structure which specifies output of congestion control. For more information refer to telux::cv2x::prop::CongestionControlCalculations.


  • DataFilterManager

    Below API's are deprecated and newer alternate APIs have been introduced. For more information refer to telux::data::IDataFilterManager and telux::data::IDataFilterListener

    • Deprecated telux::data::IDataFilterManager::setDataRestrictMode refer to telux::data::IDataFilterManager::setDataRestrictMode which does not take profileId and IpFamilyType as a parameter.
    • Deprecated telux::data::IDataFilterManager::requestDataRestrictMode refer to telux::data::IDataFilterManager::requestDataRestrictMode which does not take interface name as a parameter.
    • Deprecated telux::data::IDataFilterManager::addDataRestrictFilter refer to telux::data::IDataFilterManager::addDataRestrictFilter which does not take profileId and IpFamilyType as a parameter.
    • Deprecated telux::data::IDataFilterManager::removeAllDataRestrictFilters refer to telux::data::IDataFilterManager::removeAllDataRestrictFilters which does not take profileId and IpFamilyType as a parameter.

Telematics SDK v1.62.0

Date: 09/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added new APIs under telux::wlan for device management, AP and STA interface management.
    • ApInterfaceManager
      • Added ability to set configuration like WLAN security, SSID, visibility of AP, passphrase, etc. and ability to listen for configuration changes. For more informationrefer to telux::wlan::IApInterfaceManager and telux::wlan::IApListener
    • StaInterfaceManager
      • Added API to enable/disable support for Hotspot 2.0. For more information refer to telux::wlan::IStaInterfaceManager
    • WlanDeviceManager
      • Added ability to set the active country, request regulatory parameters, set/get transmit power and ability to listen when temperature has crossed threshold. For more information refer to telux::wlan::IWlanDeviceManager and telux::wlan::IWlanListener
  • Updated test application to exercise newly added WLAN APIs under apps/tests/wlan_test_app


  • Auto Suppress Feature

    • Some APIs of the telux::data::IServingSystemListener support an auto-suppress feature, where the invocation of the API will be suppressed, to prevent unnecessary wakeups and save power, when the system is in a suspended state. Enabling the auto suppress feature is controlled using a platform configuration in tel.conf. If the platform is configured to suppress an API, that API will not be invoked during suspend. In this case, if a state change or event occurs in the modem, the client will not know about it via a listener indication. If the client is interested, it can get the latest state explicitly on resume.


  • Updated telux::loc::DEFAULT_GNSS_REPORT to indicate ENGINE_NMEA and NMEA are mutually exclusive. All the reports but ENGINE_NMEA will be enabled by default if no specific report masks are specified.
  • Added support for configuring NTS server URL for Xtra. For more information refer to telux::loc::XtraConfig


  • Updated information about slot identification required during telux::tel::SimProfile construction for Multi SIM scenarios. Refer for more information telux::tel::SimProfile


  • Minor documentation update. Refer telux::audio::IAudioBuffer

Telematics SDK v1.61.0

Date: 08/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



Introduced Simulation for certain areas of the Telematics SDK. Simulation allows one to do develop and run clients using the SDK's APIs on a Linux based hardware (including a Linux desktop). This allows software development to start without needing access to the actual Telematics HW. Currently, the following APIs of the SDK have been simulated. Future releases will add support for more.

  • Location
    • telux::loc::ILocationManager and telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator are simulated and location_test_app can be used to exercise the API responses.
  • Telephony
    • telux::tel::ISmsManager , telux::tel::ICardManager, telux::tel::ISubscriptionManager are simulated and telsdk_console_app can be used to exercise the API responses.


Updated documentation in telux::audio::IAudioManager


  • Added new API to switch backhaul to be used by traffic. For more information refer to telux::data::IDataSettingsManager::switchBackHaul API.
    • Enhancements to test application telsdk_console_app to allow switching of backhaul.
  • Newer APIs are added in class telux::data::IFirewallManager which takes backhaul information on which firewall rules will be applied.
    • Below API's are deprecated and newer alternate APIs have been introduced:-
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::setFirewall refer to telux::data::IFirewallManager::setFirewallConfig which takes new struct telux::data::FirewallConfig as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestFirewallStatus refer to telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestFirewallConfig which takes struct telux::data::BackhaulInfo and new callback as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::addFirewallEntry refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::addFirewallEntry API which takes new struct telux::data::FirewallEntryInfo and new callback as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::addHwAccelerationFirewallEntry refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::addHwAccelerationFirewallEntry API which takes new struct telux::data::FirewallEntryInfo as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestHwAccelerationFirewallEntries refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestHwAccelerationFirewallEntries which takes struct telux::data::BackhaulInfo and new callback as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestFirewallEntries refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestFirewallEntries which takes struct telux::data::BackhaulInfo and new callback as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::removeFirewallEntry refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::removeFirewallEntry which takes struct telux::data::BackhaulInfo as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::enableDmz refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::enableDmz which takes new struct telux::data::DmzConfig as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::disableDmz refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::disableDmz which takes struct telux::data::BackhaulInfo as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestDmzEntry refer to new telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestDmzEntry which takes struct telux::data::BackhaulInfo and new callback as a parameter.
  • For more information refer to class telux::data::IFirewallManager.

    Updated test application telsdk_console_app to use above new APIs.

  • Newer APIs are added in class telux::data::IVlanManager which takes backhaul information on which VLAN binding will be applied.
    • Below API's are deprecated and newer alternate APIs have been introduced:-
      • Deprecated telux::data::IVlanManager::bindWithProfile refer to telux::data::IVlanManager::bindToBackhaul which takes new struct telux::data::VlanBindConfig as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IVlanManager::unbindFromProfile refer to telux::data::IVlanManager::unbindFromBackhaul which takes new struct telux::data::VlanBindConfig as a parameter.
      • Deprecated telux::data::IVlanManager::queryVlanMappingList refer to telux::data::IVlanManager::queryVlanToBackhaulBindings API which takes struct telux::data::BackhaulType and new callback as a parameter.
  • For more information refer to class telux::data::IVlanManager.

    Updated test application telsdk_console_app to use above new APIs.


  • NMEA
    • Added API to receive NMEA sentences from a specific engine. For more information refer to telux::loc::ILocationListener::onEngineNmeaInfo API.
    • Updated documentation to explain how the parameters passed to starting a position report affects or allows a client to receive NMEA sentences from different engines. For more information refer to telux::loc::ILocationManager, telux::loc::ILocationListener and telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator.
    • Enhancements to test application location_test_app to specify engine type for NMEA sentences.
  • GNSS Signal
    • Added new API to listen for update in the supported GNSS signal types. For more information refer to telux::loc::ILocationConfigListener::onGnssSignalUpdate.
    • Enhancements to test application location_test_app to receive GNSS signal updates.


Updated documentation for retrieving platform version for Hypervisor based platforms. For more information refer to telux::platform::IDeviceInfoManager::getPlatformVersion.


  • WiFiSecurityManager

    • Added new API for WiFi Security Management. For more information refer to telux::sec::ConnectionSecurityFactory::getWiFiSecurityManager.
    • New APIs added for WIFI Connection Security (WCS) for detecting, monitoring and generating security analysis report for WIFI connections. For more information refer to telux::security::IWiFiSecurityManager and telux::security::IWiFiReportListener .
    • Added test application to exercise WCS APIs under apps/tests/wifi_connection_security_app and WCS sample application is available under apps/samples/security/wifi_connection_security


  • Add new API to get notified when PSAP requests the UE to send an MSD. For more information refer to telux::tel::ICallListener::OnMsdUpdateRequest. Deprecated telux::tel::ICallListener::OnTpsMsdUpdateRequest API.
  • Updated documentation for telux::tel::ICallManager::updateECallMsd. For more information refer to telux::tel::ICallManager.

Telematics SDK v1.60.0

Date: 08/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • MAC Address cloning attack notification
    • Added new API telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioListener::onMacAddressCloneAttack() which is invoked when a MAC address cloning attack is detected or cleared.
    • Updated test app (cv2x_mac_clone_attack_app) with above APIs usage.
  • Congestion Control
    • Added new API telux::cv2x::ICongestionControlManager::disableCriticalEvent() to notify congestion control to disable critical event. Refer to CongestionControlManager.hpp for more details.
    • Add utility API to get timestamp in nanoseconds. Refer to telux::cv2x::prop::CongestionControlUtil class for more details.
    • Enhancements to reference application QITS/RITS with disable critical event.


  • Added support for Dead Reckoning Calibration and Solution Status.
  • Updated the telux::loc::DrCalibrationStatusType enum and added telux::loc::DrSolutionStatusType enum to support Dead Reckoning Calibration and Solution Status.
  • Location test app is updated to report calibration and solution status.


  • Antenna Manager
    • Added new API in telux::platform::PlatformFactory to get the instance of IAntennaManager. Please refer to telux::platform::PlatformFactory::getAntennaManager.
    • Added APIs to allow clients to switch antenna when antenna breakage is detected and get notified whenever antenna switch happens. For more details see telux::platform::hardware::IAntennaManager and telux::platform::hardware::IAntennaListener.
    • Updated test app (antenna_test_app) with above APIs usage.
  • Time Manager
    • Added new API in telux::platform::PlatformFactory to get the instance of ITimeManager. Please refer to telux::platform::PlatformFactory::getTimeManager.
    • Added APIs to get notified about UTC time update derived from either from location fix or CV2X roadside unit. For more details see telux::platform::ITimeManager and telux::platform::ITimeListener.
    • New API to support for coarse SLSS UTC time injection using telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioManager::injectCoarseUtcTime for C++ version and v2x_inject_coarse_utc_time in v2x_radio_api.h for C version
    • Updated test app (chrony-sock and cv2x_slss_utc_app) with above APIs usage.
    • Note: Removed support for SLSS UTC time update indications. The C version APIs like v2x_register_utc_listener, v2x_deregister_utc_listener, v2x_utc_info_listener in v2x_radio_api.h are removed and for C++ version API like telux::cv2x::ICv2xListener::onUtcUpdateFromSlss is replaced with telux::platform::ITimeListener::onCv2xUtcTimeUpdate.


  • CAControlManager
    • Added new API in telux::sec::SecurityFactory to get the instance of ICAControlManager. Please refer to telux::sec::SecurityFactory::getCAControlManager.
    • Added APIs for reporting verification load and current verification capacity for crypto accelerator. For more details see telux::sec::ICAControlManager and telux::sec::ICAControlManagerListener.
    • Updated test app (crypto_accelerator_control) with above APIs usage
  • CellularSecurityManager
    • Added new class telux::sec::ConnectionSecurityFactory to get the instance of ICellularSecurityManager. Please refer to telux::sec::ConnectionSecurityFactory::getCellularSecurityManager.
    • Added APIs for generating, detecting and monitoring security threat scan report for cellular connection. For more details see telux::sec::ICellularSecurityManager and telux::sec::ICellularScanReportListener.
    • Updated test app (cellular_connection_security_app) with above APIs usage.


  • Addition of asynchronous sub-system readiness indication via callback for ICardManager, ICellBroadcastManager, ISapCardManager, IRemoteSimManager and ISimProfileManager
  • The getCardManager, getCellBroadcastManager, getSapCardManager, getRemoteSimManager and getSimProfileManager API’s in PhoneFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of respective manager component.
  • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added in class ICardManager, ICellBroadcastManager, ISapCardManager, IRemoteSimManager and ISimProfileManager for manager (subsystem) readiness status check. Below two API are marked as deprecated.
    • isSubsystemReady()
    • onSubsystemReady()


  • Updated telux::wlan::DeviceInfo structure to list all public IPv6 addresses of connected devices.

Telematics SDK v1.59.0

Date: 07/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Updated documentation related to Host PCM for enum
    telux::audio::Direction and structure telux::audio::StreamConfig which are required to enable/disable HPCM on a voice call stream.


  • CV2X Radio extended with newer subsystem readiness interface.
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() added in class telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio for subsystem readiness status check.
    • Readiness APIs telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio::isReady and telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio::onReady are deprecated and will be removed in upcoming releases. Instead use telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio::getServiceStatus.
    • Updated sample and test applications with CV2X Radio subsystem readiness.
  • Deprecated telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio::getCapabilities to get capabilities of CV2X Radio. Instead use telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio::requestCapabilities.
  • Enhanced Cv2xRadioManager API
    • telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioManager::getCv2xRadio has been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of Cv2xRadio.
  • Congestion Control
    • Added new classes - telux::cv2x::prop::ICongestionControlManager and telux::cv2x::prop::ICongestionControlListener facilitates congestion control related functionality. Refer to CongestionControlManager.hpp.
    • Added new class - telux::cv2x::prop::CongestionControlUtility for congestion control logging and testing purposes. Refer to CongestionControlManager.hpp
    • Added new class - telux::cv2x::prop::CongestionControlUtil for utility functionality like return current timestamp in milli/micro seconds. Refer to CongestionControlUtil.hpp
    • V2xPropFactory with ICongestionControlManager interface added, which provides set of APIs/callbacks that allows applications to perform v2x congestion control.
    • Enhancements to reference application QITS/RITS with congestion control support. 


  • New APIs added under telux::security for Cellular Connection Security (CCS) header for detecting, monitoring and generating security threat scan report for cellular connections. Refer to telux::security::ICellularSecurityManager and telux::security::ICellularScanReportListener for details.
  • Added test application to exercise CCS APIs under apps/tests/cellular_connection_security_app/ and CCS sample application is available under apps/samples/cellular_connection_security/
  • ConnectionSecurityFactory with ICellularSecurityManager interface added, which provides set of APIs/Callbacks that allows applications for security threat detection and monitoring for cellular connections.
  • Deprecated and libraries. Now applications are required to link with


  • Added NAVIC Support in blacklisting constellations. Please refer to documentation updates on telux::loc::SvBlackListInfo and telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureConstellations for further information. 
  • Added support for Xtra integrity download control
    • Enable/disable Xtra integrity download using telux::location::XtraConfig structure.
    • Configure Xtra integrity download interval using telux::location::XtraConfig structure.
  • New APIs related to OS-NMA added
    • Added APIs to enable/disable Galileo OSNMA using telux::location::ILocationConfigurator::configureOsnma
    • Added telux::location::ILocationConfigurator::injectMerkleTreeInformation API to inject the Merkle tree information


  • Added description for supported values to set T9 timer value in telux::tel::EcallConfig structure.

Telematics SDK v1.58.0

Date: 06/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Updated documentation related to stream direction for
    telux::audio::IAudioStream::setVolume, telux::audio::IAudioStream::getVolume, telux::audio::IAudioStream::setMute and telux::audio::IAudioStream::getMute.


  • Updated documentation in telux::data::DataFactory.
  • Added support to enable / disable MACSec via
    telux::data::IDataSettingsManager::setMacSecState and telux::data::IDataSettingsManager::requestMacSecState.
  • Added new APIs to create and apply firewall rule which direct traffic to take software path rather than hardware accelerated path . Refer to
    telux::data::IFirewallManager::addHwAccelerationFirewallEntry and telux::data::IFirewallManager::requestHwAccelerationFirewallEntries for more information.


  • Update documentation for
    telux::power::ITcuActivityManager and telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onSlaveAckStatusUpdate


  • Updated telux::sec::ICryptoManager::encryptData API to take encryptedData param as shared pointer of telux::sec::EncryptedData instead vector of uint8_t.
  • Added access control related documentation for APIs of telux::sec::ICryptoAcceleratorManager.
  • Updated documentation for telux::sec::SecurityFactory::getCryptoAcceleratorManager API
  • Sample apps added to demonstrate generate nonce for AES. Please refer to the sample app directory.


  • Update documentation for enum telux::therm::TripEvent


  • Added support for IMS service configuration that allows enabling or disabling SMS support on IMS. Refer to telux::tel::ImsServiceConfigType and telux::tel::ImsServiceConfig
  • Udpated documentation for msdVersion parameter for telux::tel::EcallConfig structure.
  • Addition of asynchronous sub-system readiness indication via callback for IPhoneManager, ISubscriptionManager, and IMultiSimManager
    • getPhoneManager, getSubscriptionManager, and getMultiSimManager API’s in PhoneFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of respective manager component
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added in class IMultiSimManager for manager (subsystem) readiness status check. Below two API are marked as deprecated
      • isSubsystemReady()
      • onSubsystemReady()


  • Important: Removed not supported APIs telux::wlan::IApInterfaceManager::getConnectedDevicesStats API and telux::wlan::DeviceStats struct.
  • Added new struct telux::wlan::DeviceIndInfo for WLAN Client device indication information.
  • Updated listener API telux::wlan::IApListener::onApDeviceStatusChanged to take device information parameter as telux::wlan::DeviceIndInfo instead of telux::wlan::DeviceInfo

Telematics SDK v1.57.0

Date: 05/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0, SA410M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • IMP: API access control is enabled. All applications using SDK should now declare the API usage to access SDK APIs. For more information on API access control, please refer to SELINUX section of the SDK API reference for information on API access control and usage of sepolicy to declare allowed use cases from an SDK based application. All API headers additionally have the information of needed permissions (sepolicy declarations) to exercise the API.
  • SDK data APIs are now available on fotavm
  • tel.conf in /etc/tel.conf is now a bind mount to /systemrw/tel.conf making it an read/writable without mounting root partition with rw option.


  • New API added to request the modem to transit to a dormant state. Please refer to under
    telux::data::IServingSystemManager::makeDormant for more information


  • New API to request IMS service information added. Please refer to
    Any update to the service information is notified via
  • New API added to request reset of WWAN stack without impacting CV2X stack. Please refer to
    telux::tel::IPhoneManager::resetWwan for more information.
  • Added ability to register to specific type of notifications while registering listeners with telephony serving system. Please refer to telux::tel::IServingSystemManager::registerListener and
    telux::tel::IServingSystemListener for more information.
    The API remains backward compatible.

Telematics SDK v1.56.0

Date: 04/2023
Supported Products*: SA525M.LE.1.0, SA410M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Addition of new configuration manager class which provides APIs to get and set configuration dynamically. Allows to enable log at runtime for debugging at component level (like telephony, data etc) and log level etc. For the usage of APIs refer sample application ParamConfigApp. Refer to telux::config::IConfigManager for more details on APIs.


  • Add virtual interface types (VMTAP0 and VMTAP1) which allow guest VMs to create or remove VLAN on these hardware interface types. Refer to telux::data::InterfaceType for more information. Add APIs to select which SIM should be used for data activity on a Dual Sim Dual Standby (DSDS) device and whether this selection is temporary or permanent. Refer to
    telux::data::IDataSettingsManager::requestDdsSwitch and
    telux::data::IDataSettingsManager::requestCurrentDds for more information.
    Documentation update on telux::data::IDataConnection::IDataConnectionListener::onHwAccelerationChanged


  • Added API support for hypervisor based systems which may contain multiple virtual machines. Deprecated few APIs and added new APIs that can support both hypervisor and non-hypervisor based systems.
  • Refer to below deprecated APIs
    telux::power::PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager(ClientType clientType = ClientType::SLAVE ...)
    telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState( TcuActivityState state, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback = nullptr)
    telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck(TcuActivityStateAck ack)
    telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onSlaveAckStatusUpdate(telux::common::Status status)
    telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onTcuActivityStateUpdate(TcuActivityState state)


  • Add APIs to notify clients for cooling device level update and occurrence of trip event for trip point. Refer to telux::thermal::IThermalManager and telux::thermal::IThermalListener


  • Documentation update on telux:audio:StreamConfig


  • Documentation update on telux::sec::SecurityFactory::getCryptoAcceleratorManager and telux::sec::ICryptoAcceleratorManager::getAsyncResults

Telematics SDK v1.55.0

Date: 02/2023
Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0, SA515M.LE.2.3
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added access control for CV2X APIs. Refer to telux::cv2x::ICv2xConfig, telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadio, telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioManager, v2x_config_api.h and v2x_radio_api.h for information related to access control.
  • Added support for SLSS indications. Refer to v2x_register_slss_rx_listener, v2x_deregister_slss_rx_listener, v2x_get_slss_rx_info in v2x_radio_api.h for C version, and telux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioManager::getSlssRxInfo, telux::cv2x::ICv2xListener::onSlssRxInfoChanged for C++ version.
  • Added new API to get capabilities of CV2X radio. Refer to v2x_radio_query_capabilities in v2x_radio_api.h. Deprecated the API v2x_radio_query_parameters in v2x_radio_api.h


  • Added additional APIs related to eCall management. Refer to telux::tel::ICallManager::requestNetworkDeregistration, telux::tel::ICallManager::updateEcallHlapTimer, telux::tel::ICallManager::requestEcallHlapTimer, telux::tel::IEcallManager::setECallConfig and telux::tel::IEcallManager::getECallConfig.
  • Deprecated telux::tel::LteSignalStrengthInfo::getLteChannelQualityIndicator since the API is no longer supported.
  • Added additional APIs to activate and deactivate originating identification restriction (OIR) preference. Refer to telux::tel::ISuppServicesManager::setOirPref and telux::tel::ISuppServicesManager::requestOirPref
  • Updated telux::tel::requestCallWaitingPref API to use new callback telux::tel::GetCallWaitingPrefExCb where telux::tel::SuppSvcProvisionStatus parameter is removed, deprecated telux::tel::requestCallWaitingPref API using old callback telux::tel::GetCallWaitingPrefCb
  • Updated telux::tel::requestForwardingPref API to use new callback telux::tel::GetForwardingPrefExCb where telux::tel::SuppSvcProvisionStatus parameter is removed, deprecated telux::tel::requestForwardingPref API using old callback telux::tel::GetForwardingPrefCb
  • Updated telux::tel::makeECall API to take telux::tel::MakeCallCallback as an parameter rather that shared pointer to IMakeCallCallback.
  • Updated telux::tel::ECallHlapTimerCallback and telux::tel::CallManager::updateEcallHlapTimer APIs to take timeDuration parameter as uint32_t instead of int.


  • Added additional source and sink device types in telux::audio::DeviceType applicable for Bluetooth audio.
  • Removed unused stream buffer structure - telux::audio::StreamBuffer.


  • Added additional error codes. Please check telux::common::ErrorCode for more information.


  • Added DSDA support for data filter APIs


  • Added new API to configure NMEA datum types. Refer to telux::loc::LocationConfigurator::configureNmea for information on usage of API.
  • Added Propagated bit as a technology type for PVT Reports under telux::loc::GnssPositionTechType and telux::loc::LocationTechnologyType.


  • Added new classes - telux::sec::CryptoAcceleratorManager and telux::sec::ICryptoAcceleratorListener facilitates interaction with hardware crypto accelerator. Refer to CryptoAcceleratorManager.hpp. This class provides support for ECC based signature verification and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) operations and calculation results.

Telematics SDK v1.54

Date: 12/2022
Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0, SA515M.LE.2.3
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added support for disaster and crisis report. Refer to
    telux::loc::ILocationListener::onGnssDisasterCrisisInfo for information on obtaining DC reports.


  • Added support for private ecall over IMS to facilitate emergency calls to custom numbers over packet-switch networks. Refer to the makeECall variant in telux::tel::ICallManager which takes in CustomSipHeader as an argument for further details. Corresponding updates to ecall reference app are available.
  • Added support for call forwarding with Communication Forwarding on Not Logged-in (CFNL) reason. Refer to telux::tel::ForwardReason for further details.
  • Added API to access SMS in SIM storage. Refer to requestStorageDetails, requestSmsMessageList, readMessage, deleteMessage, requestPreferredStorage, setPreferredStorage and setTag in the telux::tel::ISmsManager interface. Also, the telux::tel::ISmsListener is extended with the notification onMemoryFull to notify when the SMS storage is full.
  • Test application update: Removed TDSCDMA, EVDO and CDMA signal strength and cell info fields in telsdk_console_app


  • New APIs added under telux::wlan for device management, AP and STA interface management. Refer to telux::wlan::IWlanDeviceManager, telux::wlan::IApInterfaceManager and telux::wlan::IStaInterfaceManager for details.
  • Added test application to exercise WLAN APIs under apps/tests/wlan_test_app/ and WLAN sample applications are available under apps/samples/wlan/


  • Deprecated unsupported instantaneous channel transmit rate (telux::data::BitRateInfo::txRate and telux::data::BitRateInfo::rxRate). Support will be removed in upcoming releases. Maximum data rates for a given data call can be retrieved via telux::data::BitRateInfo::maxTxRateand telux::data::BitRateInfo::maxRxRate.


  • Added reference application for power management under apps/reference/power_ref_app. The application serves two purposes - as a reference application which our users could start with and build on; and as a test application for end-to-end tests related to power management. The reference application demonstrates the following aspects of power management on a TCU
    • Running the power master as a daemon
    • Wake lock management
    • Listening to suspend, resume or shutdown triggers
    • Trigger (queue) management and arbitration
    • NAO-IP (NAD Always On) trigger demonstrates the use of telux::data::DataFilterManager to install filters to allow only certain type of IP packets to wake-up the system and block other packets

Telematics SDK v1.53

Date: 11/2022
Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0, SA515M.LE.2.3
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • New APIs added related to SMS storage - telux::tel::SmsMessage::getMetaInfo and the following APIs added under telux::tel::ISmsManager - requestSmsMessageList, readMessage, deleteMessage, requestPreferredStorage, setPreferredStorage, setTag


  • Added API to pass associated data for aes-gcm algo in telux::sec::CryptoParamBuilder


  • Sensor low power mode APIs are deprecated and support for these will be removed in upcoming releases - telux::sensor::ISensorClient::enableLowPowerMode and telux::sensor::ISensorClient::disableLowPowerMode. These APIs are also deprecated on the alias telux::sensor::ISensor.


  • Added support for RSU address broadcast in QITS

Telematics SDK v1.52

Date: 11/2022
Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0, SA515M.LE.2.3

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Added support to transmit MSD version-3 in emergency calls. Please refer to telux::tel::ECallMsdData


  • Removed unused key format and added new curve for ECSDA. Please refer to telux::sec::KeyFormat and telux::sec::Curve

Telematics SDK v1.51

Date: 07/2022
Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0
* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added the ability for clients to assign priority to VLANs through telux::data::net::IVlanManager. Please refer to telux::data::net::IVlanManager::createVlan API.
  • Deprecated telux::data::IDataCall:: getCurrentBearerTech API to get the bearer technology. Instead use telux::data::IServingSystemManager::requestServiceStatus.
  • Added ability to bind multiple VLANs to a PDN. Please refer to telux::data::bindWithProfile API.


  • Added new class telux::platform::IDeviceInfoManager to get the platform version and to get the international mobile equipment identity(IMEI).
  • Added new API in telux::platform::PlatformFactory to get the instance of device info manager. Please refer to telux::platform::PlatformFactory::getDeviceInfoManager.


  • Added remoting capabilities to ThermalManager APIs.


  • Added a cause codes in telux::cv2x::Cv2xCauseType and in v2x_radio_cause_type_t to reflect the exact failure reason for CV2X INACTIVE or SUSPEND status.

Telematics SDK v1.50

Date: 06/2022
Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Added new API in platform::IFsListener to indicate the eCall timer expiry. For details, please refer to platform::IFsListener::OnFsOperationImminentEvent.


  • Added a new class tel::ICardFileHandler to provide support to read/write to elementary files(EF) present on SIM and also to get EF attributes like file size, record size and no of records in EF.
  • Added new API in tel::ICardManager to get file handler for reading or writing to EF on SIM. For details, please refer to tel::ICardManager::getFileHandler
  • Added new manager tel::ISuppServicesManager to support supplementary services like call waiting, call forwarding, etc. New class tel::ISuppServiceListener added to support SSR notifications and tel::PhoneFactory extended to get the supplementary services manager. For details, please refer to tel::PhoneFactory::getSuppServicesManager.


  • SDK APIs have been enabled with access control. Detailed documentation has been added explaining how applications could need to declare their access to use these APIs. See section 2.3.1 SELinux in the document "Telematics SDK - API Reference"

Telematics SDK v1.49

Date: 04/2022
Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Renamed telux::sensor::ISensorManager::getSensor API to telux::sensor::ISenorManager::getSensorClient and deprecated telux::sensor::ISensorManager::getSensor API. For details, see telux::sensor::getSensorClient.


  • Fix for multiple receive threads with Local Dynamic Map (LDM) in QITS/RITS


  • Add support for ICMP6 filters in telux::data::IIpFilter


  • Fix to allow graceful exit of an application while it is waiting for Thermal Shutdown Manager subsystem readiness

Telematics SDK v1.48.0

Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added APIs platform::IFsManager to prepare the system for eCall and OTA operations. For details, see platform::IFsManager and platform::FsDefines.


  • Deprecated tel::GsmCellIdentity::getMcc and tel::GsmCellIdentity::getMnc APIs that return numerical type and added new APIs that return string value to support wider range of operations - tel::GsmCellIdentity::getMobileCountryCode and tel::GsmCellIdentity::getMobileNetworkCode
  • Added new API in tel::ICallManager to support hangup all the waiting or background calls. For details please see tel::ICallManager::hangupWaitingOrBackground.
  • Added API to support Multipart SMS. For more details see tel::SmsMessage, tel::ISmsManager and tel::ISmsListener
  • Deprecated API to reject call with SMS in tel::ICall::reject.
  • Added new API to provide network time information. For details please see tel::IServingSystemManager::requestNetworkTime.


  • Deprecated loc::ISVInfo::getSVHealthStatus loc::ISVInfo::getStatus and loc::IGnssSVInfo::getAltitudeType, Instead use loc::ILocationInfoEx.


  • Class sensor::ISensor is renamed to sensor::ISensorClient, ISensor is deprecated.


  • cv2x_tcp_test tool support proxy mode. In TCP server mode if proxy is enabled, forward pkts between SCMS and TCP client; Support echo back each received pkts if SCMS.
  • Added support to enable Misbehavior Detection in QITS.
  • Updates in RITS with signed payload decoding happening before verification.


  • Added new API in power::ITcuActivityManager to change the modem activity state. For details see power::ITcuActivityManager.


  • Y2038 hardening

Telematics SDK v1.47.0

Supported Products*: SA410M.LE.1.0

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added new namespace telux::platform which provides interfaces to configure and control platform functionalities.
  • Added API to register and listen EFS filesystem backup and restore events in platform::FsManager::startEfsBackup and platform::FsManager::registerListener. For details see platform::FsManager and platform::PlatformFactory.


  • Updated telux::tel::ImsRegistrationInfo to provide RAT info via RadioTechnology.
  • Enhanced eCall reference application (ecall_app) with below features
    • Allow answering a waiting call on the same SIM which already has an in-progress MT call.
  • Added API to get current registered operator name through tel::IPhone::requestOperatorName.


  • Added sample app for on-demand PDN connectivity to demonstrate
    • DNS resolution using dig
    • Binding to an interface to enable connectivity


  • Added API for subsystem readiness status check in therm::IThermalManager::getServiceStatus() and therm::IThermalShutdownManager::getServiceStatus().
  • These API therm::IThermalShutdownManager::isReady and therm::IThermalShutdownManager::onReady are marked as deprecated.


  • Add common API to get modem, meta and app version details. For more details see common::Version::getPlatformVersion.

Telematics SDK v1.46.47

Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added APIs to get serving system info like serving RAT and ServiceDomain in tel::IServingSystemManager . For details see tel::IServingSystemManager::getSystemInfo, tel::IServingSystemListener::onSystemInfoChanged.
    • Updated test_app (telsdk_console_app) with tel::IServingSystemManager::getSystemInfo, tel::IServingSystemListener::onSystemInfoChanged usage.
  • Enhanced eCall reference application (ecall_app) with below features
    • Support configuring audio device type through its config file.
  • Deprecated tel::ISimProfileManager::requestEid , use tel::ICardManager::requestEid API instead.
  • Added API for deletion of test and operational profiles and resetting default SMDP address in tel::ISimProfileManager::memoryReset.
  • Added support to automatically perform capability switch in eCall reference app, when network scan fails on low capability subscription.


  • Added support for boot timestamp. For more details see loc::ILocationInfoBase::getElapsedRealTime and loc::ILocationInfoBase::getElapsedRealTimeUncertainty
  • Added API to enquire location capabilities, For more details see loc::LocCapabilityType, loc::ILocationListener::onCapabilitiesInfo and loc::ILocationManager::getCapabilities.
  • Updated Location interface to include signal type, baseband carrier to noise, full inter signal bias and it's uncertainty. For more details see loc::GnssMeasurementsDataValidityType and loc::GnssMeasurementsData.
  • Updated location interface to include API to configure integrity risk level. For more details see below API's
    • loc::LocationConfigurator::configureEngineIntegrityRisk
    • loc::ILocationInfoEx::getIntegrityRiskUsed
    • loc::ILocationInfoEx::getProtectionLevelAlongTrack
    • loc::ILocationInfoEx::getProtectionLevelCrossTrack
    • loc::ILocationInfoEx::getProtectionLevelVertical
  • Added support for High rate (NHz) measurement support in location subsystem. For more details see loc::GnssMeasurements and loc::GnssReportType.
  • Update loc::GnssMeasurementsData with field receivedSvTimeSubNs and to provide sub-nanoseconds portion of the received GNSS time of the week for measurements data.
  • Added support in location susbsytem to specify type of GNSS report requested. For more details see below API
    • Updated loc::GnssReportType to specify various types of GNSS reports.
    • loc::ILocationManager::startDetailedReports and loc::ILocationManager:startDetailedEngineReports.
  • Added API to retrieves the satellite vehicle baseband carrier to noise ratio in loc::ISVInfo::getBasebandCnr.
  • Updated loc:: LocationDefines with vehicular data and visual data technology type.
  • Added support for XTRA to aid in prediction of GNSS satellite orbit data. For more details see below API
    • loc:: XtraConfig, loc:: XtraDataStatus, loc:: XtraStatus and loc:: LocConfigIndicationsType.
    • loc::LocationConfigurator::configureXtraParams, loc::LocationConfigurator::requestXtraStatus, loc::LocationConfigurator:: registerListener and loc::LocationConfigurator:: deRegisterListener


  • Added support for retrieving the buffered sensor event when application processor is sleeping. For more details please see API sensor::ISensorFeatureEventListener::onBufferedEvent.
  • Added API to initiate self-test on a sensor. For more details, please see sensor::ISensor::selfTest.


  • Added clients ability to configure prioritization and usage of 5GHz WLAN or N79 5G band when they are both available to avoid interference.
    • If N79 5G band is prioritized and becomes available, WLAN 5GHz (if available) is moved to lower 2.4 GHz.
    • If WLAN 5GHz is is prioritized and becomes available, N79 5G is disabled (if was enabled).
    • For more details please see class data::IDataSettingsManager
  • Adding support for request and enable/disable starting data calls if modem is in roaming area. For more details please see data::IDataConnectionManager::requestRoamingMode.
  • Added support for APN type in data profile management. For more details please see data::ApnMaskType and data::DataProfile::getApnTypes


  • Add to enable reading of psid in unsecured mode and other fixes in QITS: Added CSV logging, decoding of unknown WEID in QITS. Fixed for segfault due to double unlock of lock_guard in KinematicsReceive in QITS.
  • Added L2 and ID change code as well as fixed other issues: Added L2 Address and ID Change code to QITS/RITS. Fixed memory leak in QITS/RITS
  • Enhanced test app (cv2x_tx_report_test_app) to support enabling of Tx status reports and saving reports to csv file.
  • Added new C API v2x_register_ext_radio_status_listener for CV2X extended radio status listener.
  • Updated cv2x::Cv2xCauseType to report cv2x failure causes due to thermal effect on device.
  • Add per SID based Rx subscription for qits.
  • Added support to perform decoding before message verification in QITS.


  • Enhanced the test app (audio_console_app) to support the audio::IAudioManager::getStreamTypes and audio::IAudioManager::getDevices API. For details see class IAudioManager.

Telematics SDK v1.46.0

Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Addition of asynchronous sub-system readiness indication via callback for INetworkSelectionManager, IServingSystemManager, and ISmsManager
    • getNetworkSelectionManager, getServingSystemManager, and getSmsManager API’s in PhoneFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of respective manager component
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added in class INetworkSelectionManager, IServingSystemManager, and ISmsManager for manager (subsystem) readiness status check. Below two API are marked as deprecated
      • isSubsystemReady()
      • onSubsystemReady()
    • Updated Network, Serving System, and SMS Menu in test application (telsdk_console_app) to use new getServiceStatus() API
  • Enhancement in Remote Sim Provisioning (RSP) feature
    • Added provideConfirmationCode() API required for download and installation of profile, if confirmation code is required
    • Update existing onAddProfileUpdate API into individual APIs for download status, user consent required, and confirmation code required
    • Handling of simultaneous HTTP indications for both the slots for add profile functionality
  • Allow to request change card PIN even if PIN/PUK locked. Enhance the test app (telsdk_console_app) to allow change card pin if PIN/PUK is locked in irrespective of manager state
  • Added API for checking IMS registration status.
    • Newer API getImsServingSystemManager() in PhoneFactory to request IMS Serving System Manager instance to query IMS registration status
    • New class IImsServingSystemManager for IMS registration feature
    • New class IImsServingSystemListener for monitoring changes in IMS Serving system manager


  • TcuActivity Manager components extended to have asynchronous notification for sub-system readiness
    • getTcuActivityManager() API’s in PowerFactory has been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of its manager component.
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added in class ITcuActivityManager for manager (subsystem) readiness status check. Below two API are marked as deprecated
      • isReady()
      • onReady()
    • Updated sample apps (telux_tcuactivity_sample_app) to use new getServiceStatus() API
    • Updates test application (power_test_app) to use new getServiceStatus() API


  • Updated data-type of range attribute to integer in SensorInfo
  • Allow partial reconfiguration of sensor, i.e. only sampling rate or only batch count can be reconfigured by setting the required validity mask
  • Updates test app (sensor_test_app)
    • List created sensors to indicate the current sensor configuration
    • Improved sanity check for inputs via stdin
  • Updated sample app (sensor_app) and (sensor_feature_app) to consider command line arguments to acquire data or enable a feature


  • Added slot id information to the notifications received for various Data Manager listeners in test app (telsdk_console_app)
  • Added support for requesting dataCall bitrate
    • Added new API requestDataCallBitRate in class IDataCall
    • Updates test application (telsdk_console_app) with new API requestDataCallBitRate
  • Data Filter Manager components extended, to have asynchronous notification for sub-system readiness
    • getDataFilterManager API’s in DataFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of its manager component
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added in class IDataFilterManager for manager (subsystem) readiness status check. Below two API are marked as deprecated
      • isReady()
      • onReady()
    • Updates test application (telsdk_console_app) to use new getServiceStatus() API for Data filter menu
  • Added Roaming and RAT notification API
    • Added below request API in class IServingSystemManager
      • requestServiceStatus()
      • requestRoamingStatus()
    • Added below notification API in class IServingSystemListener
      • onServiceStateChanged()
      • onRoamingStatusChanged()


  • Added WSA/WRA message support for QITS (Qualcomm Reference ITS stack)
  • Added per SID based Rx subscription for QITS. QITS is now supporting both Wildcard subscription (it receives all OTA Cv2x packets), and SID specific OTA cv2x packet (it receives only Cv2x Packet with specific SID). The feature is configurable via configuration file
  • Added support for Global IP on PC5
    • Added below
      • C++ API in class ICv2xRadio
        • setGlobalIPInfo()
        • setGlobalIPUnicastRoutingInfo()
      • C API in v2x_radio_api.h
        • v2x_set_global_IPaddr
        • v2x_set_ip_routing_info
    • Added structure IPv6AddrType and GlobalIPUnicastRoutingInfo to support global IP on PC5 feature


  • User-Guide and API documentation updates
    • Update documentation for data serving system
    • Update documentation for data connection listener
    • Update documentation for new subsystem readiness in location manager and location configurator
    • Update documentation for getCalibrationInitStatus API in audio

Telematics SDK v1.45.0

Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Added APIs to configure, control, acquire sensor data and control features offered by the sensor framework and underlying hardware
    • ISensorManager: Used to fetch information about on-board sensors and acquire sensor objects
    • ISensor: Used to configure, control and acquire data from the sensors
    • ISensorFeatureManager: This interface is used to get the features available on sensor and control them


  • Enhance the get subscription and cellular capability info
    • Deprecated getMnc() and getMcc() for getMobileNetworkCode() and getMobileCountryCode() respectively in ISubscription
    • Added ability via ISubscription interface to get GID from the SIM
    • Additional information indicating DeviceRatCapability in CellularCapabilityInfo


  • Updates to meta-data parsing API to handle multiple meta-data reports in Cv2xRxMetaDataHelper, legacy/v2x_packet_api.h
    • getRxMetaDataInfo(), v2x_parse_rx_meta_data()

Telematics SDK v1.44.0

Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Add configurable cv2x status indication CBR and TUNC threshold, to avoid unnecessary invoke of v2x_status_change cb invoked
  • TX Report for Antenna Compensator and Fault Detection
    • Added new C++ API registerTxStatusReportListener() and deregisterTxStatusReportListener() in class ICv2xRadioListener to enable/disable this feature
    • Added new class ICv2xTxStatusReportListener for the listening of report
    • Added new C API v2x_register_tx_status_report_listener and v2x_deregister_tx_status_report_listener to enable/disable this feature
  • Enhanced C-V2X RX Meta Data (SCI Header & timing) per packet report. Added below API:
    • enableRxMetaDataReport() in class ICv2xRadio
  • Added Aerolink security support for QITS (Qualcomm Reference ITS stack). Aerolink allows the ITS to sign and verify the legitimacy of V2X ITS messages. It can perform relevance checks as well as verify message signatures. Aerolink now supports hardware signing (via HSM) and accelerated signature verification (via QECC Dispatcher on the application processor).


  • Added new data call end reason code CE_RETRY(1) under reason type CE_INTERNAL for notifying clients about termination of data call due to sub-system restart
  • New API to notify user for underlying hardware acceleration support on data path
    • onHwAccelerationChanged() in class IDataConnectionListener


  • Added new test_app (audio_loopback_app) that provides support for creating and testing of loopback between two devices using command line switches
  • Added API to query the audio calibration Init Status in system
    • getCalibrationInitStatus() in class IAudioManager
    • Enhanced the test app (audio_console_app) to support the calibration init status


  • Added API to get GLONASS frequency channel number
    • getGlonassFcn() in ISVInfo class


  • New API to check if the call is Normal call or Conference call
    • Added isMultiPartyCall() API in class ICall
  • New API hanging up the foreground call(s) and resuming the background/waiting call.
    • Added hangupForegroundResumeBackground() in class ICallManager
  • Added support in test app (telsdk_console_app) to hangup multi-party calls (conference) at once instead of hanging up each call by index
  • Enhanced network scan request to accept network scan type
    • API performNetworkScan() now take new parameter of type NetworkScanInfo
  • Added API in class ICardManager to control the power of SIM slot and enable/disable its functionality
    • cardPowerUp()
    • cardPowerDown()


  • Update documentation for audio subsystem readiness status

Telematics SDK v1.43

Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end



  • Extended the RATCapability enum to report NR5G subscription capability
  • Added public listener API for notifying cellbroadcast message filter change
    • Added onMessageFilterChange() in ICellBroadcastListener
    • Updated test application (telsdk_console_app) to support new API
  • Added 5G support for voice registration request and indication
  • Added support for IMS service configuration that allows enabling or disabling IMS, VOIMS service
    • New class ImsSettingsManager allows configuring IMS settings via API
      • requestServiceConfig()
      • setServiceConfig()
    • New listener class IImsSettingsListener for getting IMS service configuration change notifications


  • Fix to reporting signal strength information based on SIM slot
  • Fix test application (telsdk_console_app) to allow play/start/stop DTMF request to be sent in all CallState
  • Fix to voice call not getting hung up immediately during sub system restart trigger
  • Fix to ETWS cellbroadcast message not displayed for WCDMA
  • Fix for RSRQ not shown correctly for 5G signal strength
  • Fix for encoding of SMS in GSM7 bit format
  • Fix in SubscriptionManager for issue with system readiness for unknown card state
  • Fix to deadlock observed in SubscriptionManager class



  • Fix test application (telsdk_console_app) to display appropriate message when no VLAN is configured in system
  • Fix in data manager various classes for subsystem not ready for SIM slot 2
    • IDataConnectionManager
    • INatManager
    • IFirewallManager
    • IVlanManager
    • ISocksManager
    • IBridgeManager
    • IL2tpManager
    • IServingSystemManager
  • Fix test application (telsdk_console_app) for notification of initialization status of respective slot manager component
  • Enhanced test application (telsdk_console_app) to disable input query on data filter get power-save filter mode
  • Fix to crashes in data subsystem for passing null callback to newer subsystem readiness interface
  • Fix the not supported remote call configuration that was being reported successful earlier.



  • Added new class Cv2xUtil that adds support for traffic class vs priority conversation
  • Improved Cv2xRadioManager registration for indication specific to cv2x status type
  • Enhance CV2X manager(subsystem) readiness status client callback in a separate thread to avoid blocking customer to get cv2x manager/configuration
  • Get Cv2xThrottleManager API’s in Cv2xFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of manager component


  • Improved Cv2xRadioManager registration for indication specific to cv2x status type
  • Added fix in Cv2x-daemon to print appropriate KPI marker prints in normal and suspend/resume scenario
  • Add latency print to Cv2x unicast tool
    • RSU prints latency of each received unicast pkt
  • Added radio supplementary group to cv2x sample and test app for accessing SDK cv2x features
  • Added error handling for shared pointer creating in test app(cv2x_config_app)
  • Fixed crash observed in test application (cv2x_config_app)



  • Fix blocking API issue with requestConfigList in IModemConfigManager class



  • Added support for getting Terrestrial Positioning (GTP WWAN)
    • Added below API in ILocationManager
      • getTerrestrialPosition()
      • cancelTerrestrialPositionRequest()
      • Added support to set user consent for getting Terrestrial Positioning in ILocationConfigurator and added following API: provideConsentForTerrestrialPositioning()
    • Updated Test Application (location_test_app) to support GTP WWA
  • Added support for filtering NMEA sentences
    • Added following API in ILocationConfigurator: configureNmeaTypes()
    • Updated Test Application (location_test_app) to configure NMEA sentences


  • Marked below API as deprecated, use getServiceStatus() instead
    • class IDgnssManager
      • isSubsystemReady()
      • onSubsystemReady()
    • class ILocationConfigurator
      • isSubsystemReady()
      • onSubsystemReady()
    • class ILocationManager
      • isSubsystemReady()
      • onSubsystemReady()



  • Audio Manager components extended with newer subsystem readiness interface
    • Get Audio Manager component API’s in AudioFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of respective manager component
      • getAudioManager
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added in class IAudioManager for manager (subsystem) readiness status check. Below two API are marked as deprecated
      • isSubsystemReady()
      • onSubsystemReady()
    • Updated below audio sample apps to use new getServiceStatus() API
      • capture_app
      • compresses_fmt_playback_app
      • in_call_audio_app
      • playback_app
      • transcoder_app
      • voice_session_app
    • Updates test application (audio_console_app) to use new getServiceStatus() API


  • Audio Manager components extended with newer subsystem readiness interface



  • Added Off target simulation libraries for Location SDK. Off target simulation libraries. Certain APIs in the SDK can be used in simulation mode, on any Linux based platform. This enables developers to develop and test their SDK applications on desktop environments, thus providing a simpler and faster development experience. This is achieved using the run time simulation libraries of the SDK. Refer User Guide for more details.


  • User-Guide and API documentation updates
    • Updated location component to reflect the updated terrestrial positioning (GTP WWAN) reports
    • Updated call flows diagram specific to audio subsystem restart
    • Added call flows diagram for Throttle manager APIs
    • Update documentation for data subsystem readiness status
  • Moved sample apps into namespace wise sections

Telematics SDK v1.42

Date: 01/2021
Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Extended Reason for the recently terminated call (CallEndCause) to report Peer not reachable, when queried using getCallEndCause() API.
  • Fix been provided for random failure seen on PhoneManager (IPhoneManager) subsystem readiness in dual sim dual active Configuration.
  • Fix been provided for CallManager (ICallManager) subsystem readiness failure observed during sub system restart trigger.
  • Newer API's added in ICallListener and ICallManager to support request emergency callback mode(ECBM) and exit ECBM mode.
    • onEcbmChange()
    • requestEcbm()
    • exitEcbm()
  • Enhanced Test Application (telsdk_console_app):
    • Allow unlock card by PUK even if card is not in PIN locked state.
    • Add support for emergency callback mode.
    • Handle incorrect current Radio Technology displayed by deprecating IPhone::requestVoiceRadioTechnology API and enhanced existing IPhone::requestVoiceServiceState API to get radio technology as part of VoiceServiceInfo in IVoiceServiceStateCallback::voiceServiceStateResponse() API.


  • Data Manager Components extended with newer subsystem readiness interface,
    • Get Data Manager Component API’s in DataFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of Respective Manager Component.
      • getDataConnectionManager
      • getDataProfileManager
      • getNatManager
      • getFirewallManager
      • getVlanManager
      • getSocksManager
      • getBridgeManager
      • getL2tpManager
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added across Data Manager Components for Manager (Subsystem) Readiness status check.
      • IDataConnectionManager
      • IDataProfileManager
      • INatManager
      • IFirewallManager
      • IVlanManager
      • ISocksManager
      • IBridgeManager
      • IL2tpManager
    • Updated Sample Applications and Test Application (telsdk_console_app).
  • Added new feature to support dormancy/RRC indications
    • Added new manager ServingSystemManager to allow applications to register for RRC indications.
    • Added new listener class IServingSystemListener for application to implement and receive RRC indications


  • CV2X Manager Components extended with newer subsystem readiness interface,
    • Get CV2X Manager Component API’s in Cv2xFactory been extended with optional callback to know initialization status of Respective Manager Component
      • getCv2xRadioManager
      • getCv2xConfig
    • Newer API getServiceStatus() been added across CV2X Manager Components for Manager (Subsystem) Readiness status check
      • ICv2xRadioManager
      • ICv2xConfig
  • Updated Sample Applications and Reference Applications (cv2x-daemon, rits).
  • Cv2xFactory been extended with ThrottleManager interface, which provides set of APIs\Callbacks that allows applications to specify the incoming verification load on the system.
    • ICv2xThrottleManagerListener
    • ICv2xThrottleManager
  • Added v2x_radio_init_v3 to support simultaneous IP and non-IP traffic in Cv2x C APIs.
  • Disabled multicast loopback of packet to achieve better latencies.


  • In previous releases, the position reports are generated at the system wide highest requested frequency irrespective of the client request. Adding a logic to output the reports at the time intervals requested by each client. To enable this feature user need to set below configuration in SDK configuration file(tel.conf).
  • Added API getReportStatus() in ILocationInfoEx to inform status of report calculated by the engine.


  • Optimization in internal logging utility to reduce CPU utilization.
  • Modified the documentation specific to location component to reflect the updated reporting behavior in case of multiple clients.
  • Updated SDK User Guide with Missing Logo.
  • Stub folder been updated with exclusion of redundant libtelux_qmi.sym file, inclusion of package configuration file with version support.

Telematics SDK v1.41

Date: 11/2020
Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Add API for network scan failure notification. This API is invoked whenever there is a scan failure after one round of network scan during origination of emergency call or at any time during the emergency call.
    • onEmergencyNetworkScanFail()
  • Enhanced PIN Management API to report number of retries left if user provides invalid PIN during change pin
  • Add API to support Warning Area Coordinate Information (WAC) for Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). Add getWarningAreaInfo() API in CmasInfo class.
  • Add fix for sending of multipart SMS failing over PS domain
  • Fixed crash observed upon voice-registration request failure
  • Added support for T10 eCall HLAP Timer status:
    • Updated the EcallHlapTimersStatus and EcallHlapTimerEvents enums to support T10 eCall HLAP timer status as well
    • eCall reference app is updated to report T10 status
  • Added locclient supplementary group to ecall reference app(ecall_app) for accessing SDK-location features like location reports


  • Added subsystem restart support to Data profile management API
  • Fixed issue with firewall IPv6 family type while exercising requestFirewallEntries API


  • Enhanced test app (cv2x_unicast_app) to support creation of events flow incase sps creation fails due to maximum supported limit
  • Added cv2x specific error codes that can be reported in API failure. This will help application to decide whether it is worth a retry, or whether fallback to event flow if creating sps flow fails.
  • Updated documentation for cv2x selinux interface that can be used to allow cv2x apps to operate successfully in enforcing mode
  • Fixed issue with unsupported periodicity interval used
  • Enhanced Cv2xUnicastApp with below features:
    • Added cv2x status listener, and prevent Tx/Rx if radio status not active, wait for status changed to active before resuming
    • Graceful handling if OBU fails to receive echo unicast msg in time. Dumps statistics accordingly.
    • Added option to configure unicast packet size
    • Added mechanism to recover from long time OOC
  • Add new test app (cv2x_tcp_test), which support:
    • Configuring Tx packet number at client side
    • Added support for cv2x status listener to prevent Tx/Rx if status not active
    • Add listener to src L2 address, close the TCP connection if src L2 address has changed
  • Added fix for no cv2x radio notifications in test app (acme)
  • Added support for packet filtering based on L2 source id
  • Support cv2x under LPM
    • Replace ENFORCE_MODE_ONLINE with CV2X_MODEM_MODE in tel.conf to make cv2x activation configurable in different modem mode
    • Add support for cv2x activation when modem is under low power mode


  • Added documentation for year of hardware support and configure engine state support
  • Added support for Altitude Type in location sdk:
    • Added getAltitudeType API in ILocationInfoEx
  • Added support for pause/resume loc engines in sdk:
    • Added below API in ILocationConfigurator: configureEngineState


  • Added support for connection to TcuActivity Management service running on LOCAL/REMOTE application processor
    • Added additional ProcType input in PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager API
    • Using relevant ITcuActivityManager instance, applications can carry out operations like set/get TcuActivityState on the corresponding application processor
    • Updated the power test app(telux_power_test_app) to take inputs for LOCAL and REMOTE operations


  • Returning proper error code whenever the set and get volume operations are exercised on voice stream
  • Fixed issue of duration and gain value getting swapped during dtmf generation in audio_console_app
  • Adding interface and test support for ECNR (Echo Cancellation and Noise Reduction) for voice stream
    • Adding new parameter in the StreamConfig param that helps in adding the ECNR support for the voice stream


  • Enhanced test app (telsdk_console_app) to handle ICMP firewall entries and display additional parameters information for all firewall use-cases
  • Updated user-guide for instruction on building Yocto Platform SDK
  • Updating the documentation regarding the Linux group permissions required for location and data verticals to be able operate successfully

Telematics SDK v1.40

Date: 10/2020
Supported Products*: SA2150P.LE.1.3 + SA515M.LE.2.1

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Added fix for SMS callback not getting invoked while sending of SMS fails


  • Added extended support for API getDefaultProfile to work for external application processor
  • Added subsystem restart support API to data classes
    • Subsystem restart (SSR) notification to clients was exclusive to Data Connection Manager. Registration to SSR notifications via registerListener API is now added to all data managers
    • Clients can now register and get SSR notification via onServiceStatusChange API from any manager they register with


  • Added new test app (cv2x_unicast_app) that simulates OBU and RSU unicast functionality
    • Updated test app (cv2x_unicast_app) with fallback to create event flow if sps flow creation fail due to exhaustion of max allowed number
    • Add fix for the unicast packet drop when L2 address changes
  • Add TCP/broadcast support in CV2X
  • Updated test app (cv2x_tcp_app) to support configurable service ID and packet size
    • Add option '-p' to config service ID, add option '-l' to config Tx packet size
  • Updated Cv2xCauseType with new low power mode state
  • Mode Change events handling by CV2X SW stack. Modem needs to be in Online mode in order for Cv2x to function
    • Introduced a platform configuration, which when turned on, will set the modem to online mode when starting cv2x, if the device is not online. This configuration will not make the modem online if it is in factory test mode.
    • Add a new cv2x status change reason code: LPM which means cv2x has been stopped because the mode is in LPM/FTM mode
  • Added support for 1000ms periodicity for SPS flows.


  • Updated test application (location_test_app) with location client linux group to allow access to location features.
  • Updated documentation comments section of Jammer Indication and Automatic gain control.


  • Changing the max trip point temperature.
    • Increased the maximum trip point temperature as required for the latest platforms.


  • Added documentation for ACTIVE/PASSIVE modes in TcuActivity Manager


  • Updated test application (telsdk_console_app) to handle and verify user input for audio enablement use case
  • Defining getSubSystemStatus API and init callback semantics
    • Added a new getSubSystemStatus() API which provides the different possible states of the subsystem. This API is intended to replace isSubsystemReady() which returns a boolean.
    • Updated getManager() APIs of the factory class to accept an optional callback which will be invoked on completion of asynchronous initialization. This callback is intended to replace the onSubsystemStatus() API eventually.
  • Documentation update regarding Linux groups
    • Updating the documentation regarding the different Linux group permissions required for applications to be able to operate successfully
  • Enhancing test application (telsdk_console_app) to support mute/unmute operation
  • Added support for logger filtering that allows one or more whitelist which SDK technology domain should be logged
  • Updated test application (telsdk_console_app) with radio linux group to allow access to data features
  • Fix corruption in logs using Log API

Telematics SDK v1.39

Date: 09/2020
Supported Products*: SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Remove Remote Sim Profile(RSP) reference app (rsp_app) and integrated similar feature in test application (telsdk_console_app)
  • Add support to add/delete/request profile, update nickname and user consent support, request EID through a submenu in test app (telsdk_console_app)
  • Remote Sim Profile(RSP) functionality is moved from namespace telux::rsp to telephony telux::tel namespace in SimProfileManager, SimProfileListener and SimProfile classes
  • Added support in CallImpl to handle call waiting scenarios like accept, reject, reject with sms and hangup use-cases and also updated the telsdk_console_app to support call waiting scenarios
  • Added ICellBroadcastManager APIs which allows to request and update cell broadcast message filters. Also added ICellBroadcastListener API to receive emergency CMAS/ETWS cell broadcast message
  • Fix for MO call/eCall goes to call end state before actually going to active state
  • Fix to handle conference for back to back MT calls
  • Added fix to prevent duplication of incoming SMS notification on both slots in a Dual Sim device
  • Addressed issue with telephony subsystem not ready due to uninitialized socket connect failure
  • Added fix to report signal strength notification
  • Added fix for truncation of characters in end of SMS


  • Introduced Qualcomm Reference ITS stack QITS
    • QITS is a software that implements the Application Layer of the CV2x Network Stack. It uses the Telematics SDK to provide an interface for obtaining GNSS location fixes, transmit and receive over the air data that conforms to the PC5 radio protocol. QITS tries to implement all the core functionalities that directly interact with the Telematics SDK as efficiently and clean as possible in order to become the de facto ITS Stack sample.
    • QITS supports both SAE and ETSI stacks with security stubs that can link with 3rd party V2X security library.
  • Added new test app (cv2x_config_app) to update, retrieve and enforce expiration of cv2x configuration
  • Added new setPeakTxPower API to Cv2xRadioManager to control setting of RF peak cv2x transmit power
    • Added new test app(cv2x_set_tx_power_app) to demonstrate functionality
  • Added handling for acme to get notified when USB is disconnected and reconnected back
  • Added minor fixes with array being access out of range
  • Added fix for SPS periodicity reported in struct SpsFlowInfo that was restricted it to always 100ms instead of other supported sps periodicity by Modem of 20ms, 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 300ms,


  • Improved the IP Family data call status visibility for family IPV4V6 type. Now separate IPv4 and IPv6 statuses are reported for IPV4V6 data call.
    • Added APIs - getIpv4Info() and getIpv6Info() are used to fetch IPv4 and IPv6 data call info respectively.
  • Added source and destination prefix length field interface for structure IPv6Info
    • Update test app (telsdk_console_app) to prompt user to add new destination address and mask for IPV4/IPV6 filter info
  • Fix issue with Data Call Statistics incorrectly reported after data call is disconnected
  • Added new API getDefaultProfile in DataConnectionManager class to query current default profile to which associated network traffic is routed through bridge 0 and default system routes
    • Update test app (telsdk_console_app) Data Menu to support demonstration of getDefaultProfile
  • Added better handling for IPv4/IPv6 address format validation
  • Improve the data connection presentation with IP family IPV4V6, where IPV4 and IPV6 calls are brought up separately to be part of same instance
  • Fix reporting of empty IPv6 SNAT entries for API requestStaticNatEntries
  • Enable data filter support in new targets
    • Data Filter management allow user to enable/disable/add/remove filter and filter mode. Which can be used prevent filtering of spurious packets and only forward packet matching rules to application processor.


  • Updated location manager documentation along with structures and enums with the newly introduced fields.
    • Updated the structures and enumerations with missing member fields
    • Updated the documentation of ILocationManager APIs to include details specific to the manager APIs
    • Updated the documentation of ILocationListener APIs to include details specific to listener APIs
  • Updated the location configurator documentation with detailed comments
    • Updated the documentation of ILocationConfigurator APIs to include details pertaining to the respective APIs
  • Added support for secondary band constellation in loc sdk
    • Added new typedef: ConstellationSet
    • Added following APIs in ILocationConfigurator: configureSecondaryBand & requestSecondaryBandConfig
  • Added support for DR sensor calibration data in location
    • Added / Updated following enums: AidingDataType & DRConfigValidityType
    • Added following struct: DREngineConfiguration & BodyToSensorMountParams
    • Added following API in ILocationConfigurator: configureDR
  • Added support for VRP in loc sdk
    • Added following APIs to get VRP data: getVRPBasedLLA() & getVRPBasedENUVelocity()
    • Added following struct: LLAInfo
  • Added support for year of hardware in location SDK
    • Added following API in ILocationManager: getYearOfHw


    • Updated Sample App, Reference App for checking valid AudioManager pointer allocated from Audio Factory instance.
    • Updating documentation for playing DTMF Tones with respect to local and far end playback.
    • Added fix to do cleanup for voice menu after subsystem restart.
    • Fixed user input handling for mute functionality in audio_console_app that was causing mute for unmute option as well.
    • Fixed duration, gain value corruption for dtmf


    • LTE stack power optimization support (enabled via tel.conf) when System suspends is invoked using the ITcuActivityManager APIs. When a system suspend is triggered, along with other subsystems, LTE firmware will also be notified of the event and will trigger power optimization sequence. On receiving the suspend notification, LTE firmware will optimize its cell search and measurement cycles, thereby reducing overall power consumption in the idle state.


    • De-privileged the rild and rilmuxd services running on application processor to "system" Linux group. This will enhance the security of the overall platform


    • Updated test application (modem_configurator) to not print ID details from active config list
    • Removed Set/Get radio power options from test application (telsdk_console_app) as the API's are deprecated
    • Updated test application (telsdk_console_app) to handle and verify invalid slot id for Dual sim use case
    • Fix some crash issue with test app (telsdk_console_app) during exit while exercising telephony features

Telematics SDK v1.38

Date: 08/2020
Supported Products*: SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Added support for Remote Sim Profile management that includes retrieving eUICC identifier
  • Enhanced Interface IMultiSimManager with additional API's to:
    • Choose the physical SIM slot or Query Request the status of physical slots
    • Support switching the active slot in Dual-Sim Single Active platforms
  • Added Fix for getSubscription API of ISubscriptionManager returning wrong ICCID


  • Fix provided for cv2x standalone SPS flow registration/deregistration issue
  • Added support for config change indication in CV2X
  • Added Improvement in for Cv2x KPI
  • Add fix in cv2x tcp sample test app (cv2x_tcp_app) for IP/Non IP data calls
  • Added support for Non-IP TX Event flow Unicast support


  • Update Data call disconnected status for IPV4V6 family only when both V4, V6 calls are down
  • DSDA Feature improvement for Data Profile Management
  • Added handling for Data Features Unsupported Configurations
  • Updated test application (telsdk_console_app) with Data Menu Refactor
  • Fix improper Data Call Statistics reported issue


  • Added support for Master/Slave privileges in TcuActivityManagement, which provides option for Application with MASTER privilege can set the TcuActivityState


  • Updated test application (telsdk_console_app) with Support of Audio
  • Added diag as a supplementary group in reference and test apps, as internal implementation looks for group access
  • Resolved unused result warning shown in common Utils functions in Application

Telematics SDK v1.37

Date: 07/2020
Supported Products*: SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Enhanced ISmsManager to support for UCS2 format for SMS
  • Added Internal fixes and error handling for SMS acknowledgment, special and unexpected characters
  • Added support for MO SMS over IMS
  • Added fix to support conference/swap call on slot2 when both Slots are enabled with calls in Dual Sim Dual Active (DSDA) mode
  • Added fix to report a waiting IMS call for current calls request, which has been seen missing earlier for below cases
    • When a call is in progress and a new MT IMS call is received
    • For Past VoLTE call is already in-progress


  • Added fix for crashes seen in CV2X due to invalid access of object after destruction
  • Provide fix for peer CV2X device not receiving messages


  • Fixed issue observed with data profile creation. APN accepting invalid format of space separated string.


  • Enhanced configureConstellations API of ILocationConfigurator to handle all the cases of configurations
  • Location SDK API's which were marked for Deprecation for awhile have been removed from Public Headers, List Follows as below
    • In ILocationManager below API's
      • registerListener
      • removeListener
      • setPositionReportTimeout
      • setHorizontalAccuracyLevel
      • setMinIntervalForReports
      • getPositionReportTimeout
      • getHorizontalAccuracyLevel
      • getMinIntervalForFinalReports
    • In ILocationListener below API
      • onLocationUpdate
    • Below Interfaces
      • IGpsTime
      • ISensorDataUsage
      • ILocationInfo

Telematics SDK v1.36

Date: 06/2020
Supported Products*: SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Fixed L2TP Sessions Implementation to have correct number of session support


  • ECallMsdTransmissionStatus is extended to report outband MSD transmission status explicitly
  • Added support for outband MSD transmission status in eCall reference application (ecall_app)


  • Fix provided for cv2x non-ip data call nonworking after Sub System Restart Event
  • Fixed segmentation fault seen when update cv2x capability happens internally
  • Changes made to Add CV2x C-APIs to the SDK documentation
  • Interface ICv2xRadio Added with support for TCP functionality on V2X IP interface
    • ICv2xTxRxSocket for encapsulates a Cv2xRadio socket for both Tx and Rx
    • createCv2xTcpSocket for Creates a CV2X TCP socket with specified event flow information and TCP socket information
    • closeCv2xTcpSocket for Closes the CV2X TCP socket and frees resources associated with it (such as registered event Tx flow and subscribed Rx service ID and created TCP socket)
  • ICv2xRadioManager Updated with deprecation of updateConfiguration
  • Added v2x_api_config header for Abstraction of the CV2X configuration relevant interfaces
  • Added Interface ICv2xConfig, which provide operations to update or request cv2x configuration
  • Added Reference Test application (cv2x_tcp_app) that demonstrates Tx/Rx TCP packets in Cv2x
  • Added Reference Test Application (cv2x_retrieve_configuration) that attempts to retrieve configuration file
  • Added Support for Cv2x Control Path Configuration allowing the use of WDS or DSI library. New value with documentation defined in tel.conf, CV2X_CONTROL_PATH


  • Modified telephony service launch script in the right way to avoid its unnecessary restart

Telematics SDK v1.35

Date: 06/2020
Supported Products*: SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Added support in SMS Manager to report underlying sub-system restart notifications
  • Deprecating below radio state APIs in Telephony and updated with alternative APIs
    • IPhone::getRadioState
    • IPhone::setRadioPower
    • IPhoneListener::onRadioStateChanged
  • Updated test application (telsdk_console_app) Dialer menu to support Dual Sim-Dual Active scenario
  • Support added to gracefully handle Rilmuxd service restart
  • Fix provided for never getting the response callback for setRadioPower API


  • Added Sample Application (l2tp_sample_app) for L2TP feature
  • Added Documentation specific to L2TP Feature Support in Telematics SDK
  • Fixed internal Initialization of DMZ variable, which was resulting in random IPV6 address


  • Added Additional Support in ILocationConfigurator Interface with,
    • configureMinSVElevation, This API configures the minimum SV elevation angle setting used by Qualcomm GNSS Standard Positioning Engine (SPE)
    • requestMinSVElevation, This API retrieves the minimum SV elevation angle used by GNSS SPE
    • requestRobustLocation, This API retrieves the robust location settings used by the GNSS engine
  • Updated the test application(location_test_app) with appropriate output message format
  • Fixed Multiple times Satellite vehicle information reporting in Location Report


  • Added Public API's that can be utilized to log messages from SDK Applications. Logging APIs in the Telematics SDK provides logging related functionalities such as
    • Runtime configurable logging to console, diag and file
    • Possible LOG_LEVEL configurable values are NONE, PERF, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG
  • Added Documentation specific to Logging supported in Telematics SDK


  • Added menu option to get calls list in Reference test app (ecall_app)


  • Added Disablement of multicast loopback of Tx socket to achieve better latency

Telematics SDK v1.34

Date: 05/2020
Supported Products*: SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Updated IL2tpManager Interface with Configurable L2TP Max Transmission Unit
  • Provided the ability to customize L2TP MTU size instead of fixed size of 1422 bytes. If not configured it will default to 1422 bytes.
  • Fix regression due to 3GPP2 profile enablement
  • Allow create/modify profile with empty apn,username,password.
  • Adding support for Dual SIM Dual Active (DSDA),
    • Added Interface IDataCall with getSlotId() to get Subscription Slot Identifier.
    • Updated Data connection manager, Data profile manager, Firewall manager APIs, Snat manager APIs and Vlan manager binding APIs with additional argument for SlotId to perform operation on a given SIM. SlotId 1 represent Primary SIM and SlotId 2 represent Secondary SIM. Default SlotId is 1.
    • Updated Test Application (telsdk_console_app) with Slot id option to select different SIM option.
    • Updated Sample Test Application (data_app, data_filter_app) for getSlotId() to get Subscription Slot Identifier.


  • Adding support for Dual SIM Dual Active (DSDA),
    • Updated StreamConfig with SlotId Parameter to provide selection of Voice Call Over Either SIM (Primary SIM or Secondary SIM)
    • Updated Sample Application and Documentation for SlotId
    • Updated Test Application (audio_console_app) with ability to specify SlotId in audio voice call
  • Corrected Improper handling of Sub System Restart event seen during Multi Streams with Single Audio Manager


  • Updated Test Application (telsdk_console_app) with Fix to print the supported technology and capabilities
  • Reporting Proper Error in case of failure in handling of open logical channel for Card Services


  • Cv2xCauseType Documentation Update


  • Fixed Hang issue seen in Test Application (location_old_test_app) for API registerListener()

Telematics SDK v1.33.1

Date: 05/2020
Supported Products*: SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Updated Test Application (telsdk_console_app) with:
    • Correct tech preference for delete data profile
    • Multi-Sim Support, considering Dual Sim Dual Active (DSDA). Added ability to bring up data calls simultaneously on both SIMs
  • Added definition provided for invalid profile id
  • Added support for 3GPP2 Profile. So far the SDK only supported interacting with 3GPP profiles.
  • Handling of internal transport error rightly propagated to User interfaces
  • Fixed regression seen with Data Profile Query due to 3GPP2 profile enablement


  • Added Test Application (cv2x_update_configuration) that queries C-V2X Status, stops v2x mode if Active, and attempts to update configuration file
  • Additional Fix provided to prevent possible hang in application during Sub-System Restart Event like
    • Handling of SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE event internally to have Cv2xRadio/Cv2xRadioManager in non-blocking call
    • Notification of empty profile list for data profile list request's callbacks
    • Reporting transport error rightly instead of reporting the status


  • Thermal Shutdown Test application (thermal_shutdown_test_app) updated for Sub System Restart events handling


  • Proper internal notification handling to avoid hang in Phone Menu of Test Application (telsdk_console_app)
  • Updated ICallManager APIs to support requests/indications for eCall HLAP(High Level Application Protocol) timers status
  • Added IMultiSimManager API for multi Sim management, which provides APIs to
    • Choose which of the 2 SIMs should be enabled with higher capability, like 5G
    • Query to know which slot has high capability
    • Operations pertaining to devices which have more than one SIM/UICC card
    • Listener interface for notifications related to multi-sim environment


  • Fixed Gain Representation mismatch for DTMF tone


  • Enumeration type for sim slot id is created to be used by managers instead of int type
  • Removed Eval tags for certain public APIs of Audio, Modem Configurator, Power, RSP, Telephony, Thermal Vertical


  • ILocationManager enhanced to support multiple client invocation per process
  • Enhanced ILocationConfigurator API's blocking calls to non-blocking and decoupled from response callback
  • Interface Definition files updated with additional information related to
    • Report Generation Sequence
    • UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP explanations
    • ILocationConfigurator API's behavior for multi invocation and multi client environment
  • Updated the test application(location_test_app) with
    • Print message corrections and formatting
    • Usage of enumeration for data checking instead of hard coded values, wherever applicable
    • Printing right set of GNSS system time

Telematics SDK v1.32.1

Date: 04/2020
Supported Products*: SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Improved data subsystem robustness to handle Sub System Restart event during and before subsystem initialization, instead of handling Sub System Restart event only after subsystem is initialized.
  • Updated Test Application (telsdk_console_app) with:
    • Providing default value
    • Removing mandatory field requirements
    • Adding TCP/UDP protocal option to allow to create duplicate rule for TCP/UDP


  • Added Interface which provides APIs to inject correction data into modem location subsystem for location data correction
  • ILocationListener Extended to Support GNSS Measurement API's which provide GNSS measurement information
  • ILocationSystemInfoListener Added to receive location system information such as leap second change
  • ILocationManager updated for API which receives information on energy consumed by GNSS engine
  • ILocationConfigurator updated for API which can configure or retrieve minimum gps week
  • ILocationConfigurator updated for API which can delete specified aiding data (warm start)
  • Location Test Application(location_test_app) Corrected for Print Errors


  • Extended Support for Standalone (i.e. non fusion) mode of Operation. This allows Cv2x clients to run on the modem's integrated processor. This configuration is intended for enablement and testing purposes only, not for commercialization

Modem Configurator

  • Updated Test Application (modem_config_app) with Sub System Restart event support


  • Updated Test Application (audio_console_app) with SDK version details print in banner


  • Provided Fix for appropriate acknowledgment of MT SMS


  • Added APIs to initiate an ECall without MSD transmission at call connect
  • Added APIs to query and get notifications for ECall High Level Application Protocol(HLAP) timers status
  • Extended the eCall MSD Transmission status notifications to notify MSD start and Link-Layer Acknowledgement events
  • Fix for triggering a Test ECall using ECall reference application(ecall_app)


  • Added SELinux Interface Details
  • Documentation updated for Newly added API in ILocationConfigurator

Telematics SDK v1.31

Date: 03/2020
Supported Products*: SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Updated Location Test Application(location_test_app) for
    • Issue fix PACE Enable/Disable
    • Increased print precision for select position elements
    • Detailed Engine Location Report
  • New API in to enable/disable robust location.
  • Support for concurrent reporting from multiple engines.
  • Time Stamp Field Correction in onLocationUpdate() or onBasicLocationUpdate() Interfaces.
  • Updated the documentations Section with latest features support.


  • Updated Audio Test Application(audio_console_app) with
    • Proper closure during Transcode Operation.
    • Fix for setting right Play Pipeline State.
  • Enhanced Audio Library and Service to provide Right Status code for public Interface APIs.


  • Updated Telephony Library to provide right set of CellInfoList post radio power off.
  • Fix for voice service denial cause not reported correctly for different registration states.


  • Cv2xRadioManager onReady API no will no longer block forever on initialization failure. onReady now returns false on failure.
  • Cv2xRadioCapabilities minTxPower and maxTxPower default to 3gpp ts 36.331 & 36.10 defined min and max values.
  • v2x_iface_capabilities_t struct max_tx_pwr and min_tx_pwr are now updated when requesting radio capabilities.
  • Add API v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v3 to associate a specific Rx port for a SID subscriptions Previously only wildcard port was supported with only one udp port registered as wildcard port. So all received packets would be directed to this port. With this new API, different SIDs can be associated with different rx port. So message of different SID can be received by different socket, further, by different process. The SID list argument could be used to specify only the ones that client is interested in and filter the rest.
  • Add API v2x_radio_sock_create_and_bind to conveniently create both Tx and Rx flows with accompanying structs v2x_sock_info_t and v2x_sid_list_t. This combines v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind_v2()/v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v2 in the transmit direction and function v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v3() in the receiving direction.
  • Add doxygen comments for wildcard/catchall port/specific SID subscription.
  • Resolution for a hang in the Cv2x-daemon causing the cv2x-daemon to not start the cv2x data calls after v2x mode is in a Inactive state.
  • cv2x-daemon on start up checks v2x status and restarts v2x mode if it is already started in order to clear any old state on the modem and support Sub System Restart.

Telematics SDK v1.30.3

Date: 03/2020
Supported Products*: SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Enhanced Audio SDK API with IServiceStatusListener to provide notification about service available/unavailable for Category of Sub System Restart. Updated Audio Test Application(audio_console_app) to demonstrate it's Usage.


  • Removed Cv2x-daemon v2x profile creation, v2x profiles and v2x.xml are now contained in HW MBN Cv2x-sdx24_fusion.
  • The CV2x daemon on the AP no longer looks for APNs v2x_ip/non_ip BUT now just looks for profile Ids in the cv2x range 38-40 . Cv2x profiles go on latency sensitive IPA path (any other go on LTE latency relaxed IPA path). The cv2x HW MBN must be activated to create the v2x profiles and load the v2x.xml.
  • Fixed Cv2x-daemon Data Call state logging to report correct connection State.
  • Fixed v2x_iface_capabilities_t highest priority value conversion when max priority is calculated to be 0


  • Enhanced Data Subsystem to be compliant to different categories of Sub System Restart and updated test app to reflect that
  • Added support for 5G in Data-bearer-technology query
  • Fix for Remote Mobile AP enablement and indication registration on AP only.


  • Enhanced Telephony SDK API and Test Reference to be complaint to Different Category of Sub System Restart


  • Enhanced TCU Activity management SDK API and Test Reference to be complaint to Different Category of Sub System Restart

Telematics SDK v1.29.0

Date: 02/2020
Supported Products*: SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Addition of user interface for L2TP feature enablement and configuration
  • Improved Firewall user interface for firewall entry selection for deletion
  • Fixed wrong representation of IP4 address Family during Firewall Entry


  • Fix Provided not to wait indefinitely for Subsystem Readiness, under specific corner condition
  • Extended various features in Telephony to support 5G Radio technology
  • Signal Strength reports for 5G
  • New API in Serving-System Manager to get ENDC-DCNR status
  • Extended the RatPrefType enum in Serving-System Manager
  • Extended the RatType enum in Network-Selection Manager
  • Fix to handle modem subsystem restart during a voice call. Provides correct status of the voice calls after modem restart.


  • Added required groups to test application to enable logging in a selinux enabled environment
  • Enhanced documentation with software bridge management, data management related to Firewall, SNAT, VLAN

Telematics SDK v1.28.2

Date: 02/2020
Supported Products*: SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Fix Provided in Audio Test Application(audio_console_app) to avoid crash seen during Trans code Operation.
  • Fixed memory leak observed during stream buffer allocation of Playback\Capture\Trans code Stream.
  • Library Support been extended for repetitive mode of AMRWB+ playback. Where in same Audio Session Can we used for re-play of stream.


  • Added GNSS NMEA sentences Support in the ILocationListener
  • Extended Location Configuration Interface with
    • Position Assisted Clock Estimator(PACE)
    • Setting of lever arm parameters for the vehicle (three types of support): Lever arm configurations. Constellation control. Assistance deletion.


  • Added Multi SIM (Dual SIM Dual Active) support in Telephony library and related services. Also updated telsdk console app to allow user to execute telephony related APIs on specific slot.
  • Remote Sim Application Support


  • Cv2x Radio reinitialize, adding error codes that specify when a radio initialization has failed from a recoverable state
  • Support Added for Radio sim layer which uses IP network rather then real C-V2X radio to simulate the communication
  • Fix for v2x Update Configuration API


  • Added Bridge Manager support, which enables packet acceleration for non-standard WLAN and Ethernet physical interfaces. An application can configure a software bridge between the the physical interface and Hardware accelerator using this. The Bridge Manager provides APIs to enable/disable and set/get/delete software bridges.
  • Improved Reference Application related to firewall deletion
  • Added Sample Application of Data Feature like Enable DMZ, Enable\Add Firewall, Static NAT, Create VLAN
  • Added SocksManager Feature, which is a primary interface for configuring legacy Socks proxy server
  • Updated Telsdk console application querying for existing data calls on Start Up
  • Added API in Data Connection Manager to Select default profile id
  • In Data Connection Manager APN name requirement in Start/Stop Data call deprecated
  • Fix Provided in getting Right Data Call Statistics


  • Enhancing SDK Documentation

Telematics SDK v1.27

Date: 12/2019
Supported Products*: SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0, SA515.LE.2.1, SA2150P

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Made demilitarized zone (DMZ) API(s) enablement more descriptive and Deletion made based on IP family type
  • Fix for Management of Connected data calls.
  • Added Profile ID association to Static Nat and Firewall.
  • VLAN configuration for LOCAL and REMOTE Operations.
  • Fix Provided for Correctness in IPv4 and IPv6 Address validation for Data Filter.
  • Documentation been provided for Data Networking features.


  • Fixed Test Application (audio_console_app) for right initialization of Trans code parameters.


  • Fix Provided not to show as call in progress state even during call terminated.


  • Updated cv2x startup script not to check dynamic network device and interfaces in the system.
  • Updated v2x iface periodicity values dynamically setting them based on the devices capabilities.
  • Updated to avoid hang observed during query of interface information.


  • Fix for Miscellaneous issues

eCall Reference Application

  • Enhanced the eCall Reference application with console options to Initiate\Answer\Hang-Up an eCall. Associated the application with Audio, Location and Thermal Subsystems using Telematics-SDK APIs for enabling audio conversations, valid Minimum Set of Data(MSD) transmission and thermal-shutdown management.

Telematics SDK v1.26

Date: 11/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0/2.1, SA2150.LE.1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Fix for stop data call on remote processor
  • Make APN prompt more informative
  • Fix to return appropriate error for call list API on platforms that don’t support it


  • Add support In call music in audio
  • Added support for audio playback on voice downlink path
  • Enhancement in audio_console_test app
  • Added Sample app compressed audio playback on voice paths
  • Added Documentation for playback on voice paths


  • Fix issues related to bind mux id


  • Location miscellaneous fix

Telematics SDK v1.25

Date: 11/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0/2.1, SA2150.LE.1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Fixes in Data Filter
  • Added test app for SNAT, Firewall, VLAN and DMZ


  • Add support for playing audio on the TX/Rx path of a voice call
  • Fix for transcoding issues


  • Miscellaneous fixes

Telematics SDK v1.24

Date: 10/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7, SA515.LE.2.0/2.1, SA2150.LE.1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Add support for Data Filter Services to block incoming data packets during low power operation
  • Add application to test support of WWAN and CV2X


  • Add support for transcoding
  • Update header and testapp for compressed audio format AMRWB+
  • Add Sample App for AMRWB+
  • Audio console app fixes


  • Add support to enable disable Constraint Time Uncertainty feature


  • Updated documentation for sps flows
  • Add get Interface name Api in v2x_radio
  • Add non-wildcard Rx subscription API
  • Remove listener logs and fix Rx unsubscribe
  • Update concurrency mode warning and traffic_ip_type
  • chrony-sock: Make update of rtc file optional
  • chrony-sock: Run as non-root and replace system() with popen()

Telematics SDK v1.23

Date: 10/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Support for compressed audio playback format (AMRWB+)
  • Fix for issue where starting audio does not work


  • When thermal shutdown is disabled, allow one to configure when the timer after which shutdown would be auto enabled

Modem Configuration

  • Added APIs to update modem configurations (MBNs)


  • Add support to specify which engines to use and which engines were used for position reports


  • Add support for concurrent CV2x and WWAN data traffic operation
  • Add APIs to get the i/fname associated with Cv2x traffic


  • Fix for signal strength callback when SIM not present


  • Updated card inserted event message for Remote SIM


  • Added support for originating an eCall to a on-emergency number


  • chrony-sock: Accept only one GPS fix per second

Telematics SDK v1.22

Date: 09/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Added new Chrony-sock reference app to set the time on system


  • Fix stability issues in acme when closing the app
  • Fix issue v2x_tunnel_mode_info_req
  • Fix issue in CV2X during SSR
  • Add CV2X TX service status sample app


  • Fix issue in card service

Telematics SDK v1.21

Date: 08/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Add support for playing tones on a sink device
  • Add support for looping back audio from sink to source devices for factory test purposes
  • Fixes in audio console app
  • Fixes in audio sample apps


  • Refactored Thermal shutdown test app
  • Sample app for Thermal Shutdown Management service
  • Added documentation for Thermal Shutdown Management


  • Added support for clients to be notified when the TCU Activity Management service goes down/comes up
  • Updating TCU activity management documentation

Modem Configuration

  • Introducing public APIs for configuring the modem using MBNs. Implementation to follow in upcoming release.


  • Add support for additional GNSS signal bands when reporting fixes
  • Miscellaneous location fixes


  • Update Obsolete and supported tags for v2x_kinematics and v2x_radio APIs
  • Add support in Cv2xDaemon to listen for TCU Activity State change events and stop or start V2x mode accordingly
  • Fix cv2x-daemon system return code error
  • ErrorHelper fix with incorrect usage of static
  • Add ability to update the v2x config from v2x_radio


  • Telephony service daemons no longer need root privilege
  • Fix close connection issue in lib

Telematics SDK v1.19

Date: 07/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Add support for automatic thermal shutdown management and notifications, to disable thermal shutdown when critical function like eCall is operational


  • Add ability to update Event Flow parameters
  • Fix event flow reg response handling


  • telux-lib: Rename socket_local_client to ril_socket_local_client to prevent conflict with other apps.

Telematics SDK v1.18

Date: 07/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Add support for DTMF generation and detection during Voice calls
  • Refactored audio test app


  • Add support for missing v2 v2x_radio functions
  • Add SPS scheduling change notification in v2x_radio
  • Add tx pools to v2x_radio capabilities
  • Fix non_sps_flow request msg
  • Fix hang in changeSpsFlowInfoSync and exit from tx_reservation_change_cb issue
  • Deprecated certain v2x_radio APIs that weere never supported
  • Add ability to update existing event flow info


  • Created a new test app for location feature. Location is not part of telsdk_console_app now.


  • Fix for crash in thermal APIs


  • SapCardManager fix for transmit APDU
  • Add support to retrieve EID and slot ID from Card
  • Add support Remote SIM Feature which allows a SIM to be provided remotely (over BT, Eth etc.) to the modem
  • Fix in test app to handle spaces in SMS

Telematics SDK v1.17

Date: 06/2019
Supported Products*: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7

* Although the APIs are available, the underlying platform and hardware capability is needed for the API to work end-to-end


  • Add support for Audio PlayBack and Record
  • Open sourced audio test app


  • Fix to handle the periodicity supported by radio
  • Fix for v2x_radio time uncertainty
  • Fix debug logging for trusted UEs
  • In cv2x-daemon remove dependency on Cv2xRadio
  • Add geopolygon cause to Cv2xRadioTypes
  • systemd notify support in cv2x-daemon


  • LocationManager bug fixes


  • Add sample apps and documentation


  • Add support for Tcu Activity management and notifications
  • Add sample apps and documentation


  • Fix for data initialization after SSR


  • Fix to handle duplicate QmiClient notifiers

Telematics SDK v1.16

Date: 05/2019
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7


  • Add handling for CV2X state transition, for example, when moving to invalid geopolygon
  • Add support for modem subsystem restart in v2x_radio and Cv2xRadioManager
  • Fix event flow creation issue
  • New Cv2X daemon introduced to enable v2x mode
  • Add new get capabilities test app
  • Add support for multi-pool status and tunc


  • LocationManager bug fixes


  • Added documentation for Thermal APIs


  • Introduce evaluation APIs for Power management. No implementation yet


  • Fix for auth protocol preference type while requesting profile


  • Add support for UICC PIN Management

Telematics SDK v1.15

Date: 04/2019
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2, SA415.LE.1.7


  • Add support in CV2X for ITS stacks to specify list of trusted UEs
  • Support for multiple CV2X Tx Pools
  • Ability to get the current v2x status from v2x_radio
  • Add SSR listener support to be notified when the modem Cv2x subsystem goes down and comes up
  • Fix event flow creation issue


  • Add support for Location APIs with support for enhanced (Qualcomm Dead Reckoning) based reports
  • Deprecate old semantics for retrieving location reports
  • Update sample location apps to use new API semantics


  • Support for thermal management


  • Introduce evaluation APis for Power management


  • Audio Test App to exercise audio use cases
  • Specify audio device types in tel.conf
  • Changing QMI service ID for audio


  • Add APIs to listen for change in profiles
  • Fix for incorrect techPref printed for requestProfileByID


  • Add sample application for network scan
  • Fix for Phone_Status menu input in console app
  • Fix for eCALL call ended notification

Telematics SDK v1.14

Date: 03/2019
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM9607.LE.2.2 SA415.LE.1.7

  • Add APIs for eCall operating mode
  • Introduce support for Audio Management
  • Ability to configure remote party in MakeCall and SendSMS sample apps, through config file
  • Fix of creation of multiple SPS/Events
  • Fixes for file format
  • Optimize startup latency for CV2X services
  • Fix to support Audio for EAP

Telematics SDK v1.13

Date: 02/2019
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM 9607.LE.2.2

  • Introduce support for Audio Management
  • CV2X related fixes

Telematics SDK v1.11

Date: 12/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, add MDM 9607.LE.2.2

  • Open sourced the headers and samples for CV2X Radio
  • Cleanup of DataConnectionManager related interfaces
  • Cleanup of setPreferredNetworks in console app
  • Fix for conference call and notification

Telematics SDK v1.10

Date: 10/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM 9607.LE.2.2

  • Add support for setting SMSC address
  • Fix for data menu input in console app
  • Fix for LocationMenu in console app
  • Documentation enhancements
  • Update C-V2X Radio API and implementation
  • Cv2x sample Rx and Tx apps

Telematics SDK v1.9

Date: 10/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4, MDM9150.LE.1.0, MDM 9607.LE.2.2

  • Add support for CV2X Radio APIs
  • Introduce a variant of the SDK for CV2X only platforms
  • Add support for network selection management
  • Enhance SDK logging configurability
  • Add support for serving system management
  • Update data console app for start data call
  • Fix the issue with hangup the call
  • Fix cellInfo detail for WCDMA and CDMA

Telematics SDK v1.8.1

Date: 08/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4

  • Make telsdk console app user-friendly for data use cases
  • Add API allowing clients to send a raw MSD on an eCall

Telematics SDK v1.7.0

Date: 08/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4

  • Add data profile sample application
  • Support to query Neighboring and active Cell info

Telematics SDK v1.6.0

Date: 07/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.4

  • Updated the Sap state API

Telematics SDK v1.5.0

Date: 06/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.1, MDM9650.LE.2.3, MDM9650.LE.2.4

  • Release Telux_master_v1.5.0
  • Support for data connection management APIs
  • Ability to get MSD transmission status on eCall
  • Support for managing modem's operating mode
  • Modularization of TelSDK Console App
  • Support for retrieving the cellular capability of the modem

Telematics SDK v1.4.0

Date: 04/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.1, MDM9650.LE.2.3

  • Support for WWAN data connection profile management
  • Sample application for Subscription APIs
  • Ability to play DTMF tones on a call

Telematics SDK v1.3.0

Date: 02/2018
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.1, MDM9650.LE.2.3

  • Support for stub libraries allowing off target compilation for non-licensees
  • Support for GNSS based position reporting APIs
  • Ability to get  radio, voice reg state

Telematics SDK v1.2.0

Date: 12/2017
Supported Products: MDM9650.LE.2.1

  • Add getImsi() method for subscription
  • Update eCall sample applications
  • Updated console app to get subscription info
  • Support for RadioState and ServiceState notifications
  • Support for Subscription Manager to get UICC Subscription information