
Check out what others are doing with technologies found on QDN.


Showing 141 - 156 out of 156
DragonBoard 410c
Barry Byford
Dragon Detector
Andy Clark
DragonBoard 410c
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
3d printed case for DragonBoard 410c
Lawrence King
Turtlebot 2e
Tully Foote
Breakerball development screen
Lawrence King
Seeing Eye Robot thumbnail
John Drinkwater, Sarjak Swetang Shah, Madeline Stager, Haibo Zhang
Fit Turtle
Keen Sung, Tiago Muck, Martin Marshalek, Andy Shih
Smart Cap
Tushar Chugh
Achinthya Soordelu, Homer Baker, Hima Tammineedi
Kenneth Westfield


Showing 141 - 156 out of 156