Snapdragon® X55 Startup Kit

A product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

For edge computing and 5G/4G LTE applications, the Snapdragon X55 IoT Modem startup platform offers computing power suited to a growing array of entry-level devices on the Internet of Things.

The platform consists of a carrier board built around the Quectel RG500Q 5G sub-6GHz module (based on the Snapdragon X55 5G Modem-RF System). It is designed to run Linux applications on Cortex-A7 cores with a clock speed of up to 1.5 GHz. Peripheral connectors on the platform support UART, SPI, I2C and GPIO. Its sensor interfaces make it a good fit for medical devices, smart-home appliances and smart-city applications.

The Snapdragon X55 5G IoT Modem Startup Kit includes links to files with instructions for flashing, compilation, and device setup. Demo programs cover "Hello World," peripherals and connectivity. Developers can adapt the sample code to their own applications.

Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries.