Qualcomm® MDM9206 Startup Kit

A product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

Use the MDM9206 IoT Modem startup platform for LPWA (low power, wide area) applications such as IoT nodes that call for cellular, narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) connections.

The platform consists of a carrier board built around the Quectel LTE BG96 Cat M1/NB1/EGPRS Module (based on the MDM9206 LTE modem). Designed for edge computing, the MDM9206 IoT Modem startup platform combines the high reliability and low latency of LTE Cat-M1 (eMTC) with the extended coverage and delay tolerance of Cat NB-1 (NB-IoT).

Peripheral connectors span the range of UART, SPI, I2C and GPIO. Its sensor interfaces make it ideal for trackers, telematics and electric vehicle charging.

The MDM9206 IoT Modem startup kit includes links to all necessary files with full instructions for flashing, compilation, application download and device setup. Two demo programs to control peripheral interfaces (I2C, UART, SPI, GPIO, ADC, RTC) and manage connectivity protocols (GNSS, HTPP, MQTT) offer sample code that developers can adapt to their own applications.

Qualcomm MDM9206 is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries.