Qualcomm AI Engine Direct Setup

Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct can be downloaded from Qualcomm Developer Network.

  1. User needs to download SDK zip file from Qualcomm Developer Network.
  2. Extract SDK contents to a folder, e.g., qnn-sdk-v2.10.40
  3. Directory, where extracted SDK contents are present is referred to as QNN_ROOT

Note: Qualcomm AI Engine Direct is also referred to as Qualcomm® Neural Network (QNN) in source code, tools, and documentation

Instructions to setup Qualcomm AI Engine Direct are to be found at QNN_ROOT:/docs/QNN/general/setup.html. Please setup the SDK with the instructions provided.

Once SDK is setup, user can proceed to model prototyping examples. SDK provides few prototyping examples at QNN_ROOT:/docs/QNN/general/tutorial2.html

More examples are given below.

Model Prototyping Examples

The following examples were designed to demonstrate the capability of the Qualcomm AI Engine Direct. These examples are hosted in GitHub

This repository contains sample code to demonstrate prototyping of open-source models with Qualcomm AI Engine Direct.

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