Forums - QSD 8250, Adreno 200 hardware-related proprietary libraries for hardware graphics acceleration

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Vicente J._Bailén
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Posted: Sat, 2012-01-21 03:53

Google Nexus One (with Adreno 200) was released with unlocked bootloader and built by HTC,  after that HTC released next devices with locked bootloader. Just recently, HTC has decided unlock bootloaders "listening to users and delivering customer satisfaction", other top brands like Samung are following the same path in their mobile devices.

Please, support advanced users and entusiast in their efforts to port the ICS to Adreno 200 based devices and join to us delivering same trust we put on your product in past times.

A proud Qualcomm customer 4ever (and part-time developer).

Thanks in advance!.



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Posted: Sun, 2012-01-22 15:42

As a mobile devices enthusiast, I am here to ask Qualcomm to be a real community oriented company.

You are well aware of hardware accelerated UI in the Android 4.0 ICS, that relies heavily on GPU of device. Google, with its AOSP has decided not support Nexus One and related devices. As a user community, we have long stopped relying on HTC and Google to support the devices - this is now a community effort, that brings joy to millions, and is a true development pass time for many.

Since the ICS source outing, many community projects have been started to bring the new platform to older devices, but all of them (for devices based on this and similiar platforms) are missing the proprietary user space drivers, needed for the Hardware Acceleration to work.

I believe it would be a great move for a company like Qualcomm to support advanced users and entusiast in their efforts to port the ICS to Adreno 200 based devices.

I sincerely hope you will at least consider this request and decide to support the community - the same community that with their enthusiasm helped to make the smartphone market what it is today.

Take into account that we do not ask for much, it just a set of compiled binaries that you surelly have already, or are easy for you to make. We do not expect you to support the release, or do bugfixes. It would be even better if you could supply the source code - but lets not push it too far

Best Regards

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Join Date: 23 Jan 12
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Posted: Mon, 2012-01-23 13:34

I hereby support this "petition" and hope that Qualcomm will follow the lead of HTC and acknowledge the positive effects of free aftermarket firmwares to their products and reputation.

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Posted: Wed, 2012-01-25 03:04

I'm join this petition. Please, open sources of your drivers.

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Join Date: 27 Jan 12
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Posted: Fri, 2012-01-27 07:43

I'm owning a wonderful HTC desire, but it will beter with Android 4 and working drivers. Please freeing the drivers !!


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Join Date: 30 Jan 12
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Posted: Mon, 2012-01-30 23:12

Hello to everyone,

I'd like to support this petition also. My opinion is that ICS is the best android os till now. I have installed it on my HTC Desire, it works great but we still miss full hardwer acceleration. Please help us.

Best regards

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Join Date: 31 Jan 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-01-31 03:05

Dear Sirs,

as owner of a HTC Desire device, I would like to ask for Qualcomm to the release of the source code related with the Adreno 200.

It would help the developpers community, and would show that your company listens and wants to help their clients as much as possible.


Flávio Moringa


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Posted: Tue, 2012-01-31 03:28


The reputation to be gained from releasing the binaries for Adreno 200 is astronomical.

The number of people with devices running QSD8250 is stupid - the original HTC Desire and Incredible are the two CLASSIC Android phones, that truly launched Android to thoroughly dominate the market today.

As a HTC Desire owner, I can only see a win-win situation here. The ball is in your court.

Best Regards.

p.s. If this doesn't see fruition, it is quite possible for an unexpected drop in your current fanbase and future sales, to occur.

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Join Date: 31 Jan 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-01-31 08:51

Hello Qualcomm,

as an end-user and happy owner of a HTC Desire I ask you politely to open-source the much desired drivers. Maybe you can see the possible financial loss (if any) as an investment in marketing :-)

HTC and Google already stated they wouldn´t update the NexusOne, Desire and similar devices anymore - so my hope in a future-proof OS for my phone (at least for the future of 2-3 years) lies on you.

Best regards

Hoss Schmidt

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Posted: Wed, 2012-02-01 04:58

Dear Qualcomm,

Please support the ICS Android development community by releasing the binaries for Adreno 200 based devices. The majority of HTC Desire users will be most grateful, the smartphone market will benefit and you should expect great PR benefits.

Please don't let us down! You will help strengthen and diversify the ICS usebase!!

Best regards,


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Join Date: 7 Feb 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-02-07 04:29

Dear guys at Qualcomm,

please support thousands of HTC Bravo/Desire and google Nexus users with the graphics drivers they need.

The hardware is capable to run the newest Android software, but without proper hardware acceleration, it's no fun at all.





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Posted: Tue, 2012-02-07 06:45

Please release drivers for adreno 200.

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Join Date: 9 Feb 12
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Posted: Thu, 2012-02-09 05:16

As a mobile devices enthusiast, I am here to ask Qualcomm to be a real community oriented company. 

You are well aware of hardware accelerated UI in the Android 4.0 ICS, that relies heavily on GPU of device. Google, with its AOSP has decided not support Nexus One and related devices. As a user community, we have long stopped relying on HTC and Google to support the devices - this is now a community effort, that brings joy to millions, and is a true development pass time for many. 

Since the ICS source outing, many community projects have been started to bring the new platform to older devices, but all of them (for devices based on this and similiar platforms) are missing the proprietary user space drivers, needed for the Hardware Acceleration to work.

I believe it would be a great move for a company like Qualcomm to support advanced users and entusiast in their efforts to port the ICS to Adreno 200 based devices. 

I sincerely hope you will at least consider this request and decide to support the community - the same community that with their enthusiasm helped to make the smartphone market what it is today.

Take into account that we do not ask for much, it just a set of compiled binaries that you surelly have already, or are easy for you to make. We do not expect you to support the release, or do bugfixes. It would be even better if you could supply the source code - but lets not push it too far 

Best Regards

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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-07 21:20

I've been a long time community member, community ROM user (from back in the Windows Mobile days), and Linux tinkerer and now I've gotten into using CyanogenMod ROMs and working with Android devices.  I find it amazing that the APQ8060-based HP TouchPad escalated from a bargain-bin tablet to awesome super-tablet from the incredible community support it has received.  Community development not only brought a full fledged ICS Android release to the device, but also started projects to port desktop Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu and ArchLinux.  As an avid Ubuntu user, I have been very interested in perfecting the Ubuntu port for TouchPad, working with the CM team to get Bluetooth working.  The one device that is holding this port from perfection is the Adreno GPU, if we could unleash its full potential we could likely bring hardware-accelerated Unity, Gnome Shell, and Cinnamon desktop experiences to the device.

I, along with the hundreds of others here, would not be able to thank you enough if you were to provide the community with Adreno resources.  A binary release with an driver and OpenGL ES support would be an incredible help to the native Linux community.  Even better, an open-source driver implementation would receive community upgrades and support, allowing you to continue moving forward while the community keeps support going for aging devices.

The Adreno is an amazing and powerful device, almost as important to the user experience as the CPU itself.  Allowing the community developers to unleash its full potential would put Qualcomm ahead in community support and improve the user experience for tons of users.  At least when I buy new electronics, one main concern is how good the community behind it is, because a device with a strong community following will last far longer and provide much more satisfaction than one without community support.

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Posted: Fri, 2012-03-16 09:49

In order to provide enthusiasts with recent improvements made to Snapdragon's Adreno graphics drivers, Qualcomm has made the updated Adreno 2xx graphics driver binaries available here. Note that you will most likely need to be a developer to take advantage of these new drivers since they'll require integration with the CAF release of ICS, but Qualcomm is providing these driver binaries "as is" to those of you who have requested them.

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Posted: Fri, 2012-03-16 11:37

I just registered specifically to say thank you for this.  I'm not in a position to do anything directly with these files myself (at least not for the time being), but I am delighted that you've released them, and I want to express my approval of, support for and gratitude for your stance on this.  You have at least one new loyal customer.

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Posted: Fri, 2012-03-16 13:15

just registered to say thank you qualcomm :), im sure devs and users will be grateful for such gesture.

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Posted: Fri, 2012-03-16 13:30

Thank you so much for supporting dev community.


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Join Date: 16 Mar 12
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Posted: Fri, 2012-03-16 14:45

To bad msm7x27 SoC (armv6) are not supported :(
Binaries are compiled for armv7.

Any possibility these also will be supported?

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Posted: Fri, 2012-03-16 15:38

Thank you Qualcomm for supporting your user base. I look forward to purchasing snapdragon based smartphones in the future.

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Join Date: 24 Nov 11
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Posted: Sat, 2012-03-17 05:25

@qualcomm. its great you have released it for armv7. so you completely forgotten about v6 or just you dont want to release the drivers. i want to say one thing. see samsung sells it galaxy ace which is a mid end device with your msm7227 for 15k bucks in india. i bought it in 2011 may. we were told we wont be getting gingerbread but eventually got it. but samsung is not going to release ics for our device. ics is in works unofficially. we have little flicker on our device. if you suport our device we will be able to get a proper build of ics. but really i know you guys dont wanna support the armv6, but you should support it beacuse theres a lot of devices sold in developing countries and for us we cant change a phone every year and devices with new qualcomm chips are very costlier here. theres a lot of v6 devices sold so please support by providing drivers for v6 devices also. 

Qualcomm has shipped over 100 million MSM7225 and MSM7227 chipsets. this info is from qualcomm website

People will surely buy phones with your chips if you are providing drivers frequently or supporting the older devices. 

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Posted: Sat, 2012-03-17 18:03



Thank you for releasing the binaries and i believe alot of people will be more than greatful. But they are for ARMv7 only, why not support ARMv6 too. Where feeling left behind.

Please please add support for msm7x27 ARMv6!


I would be more than greatful if you did. And a whole community of people is out there who would.

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Posted: Sat, 2012-03-17 07:03

Sorry posted two times..

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Join Date: 30 Jan 12
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Posted: Sat, 2012-03-17 08:36

This is very good news, thank you Qualcomm.

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Join Date: 18 Nov 11
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Posted: Sat, 2012-03-17 08:43

I agree with Adam_Honse, It would be greatly appreciated if Qualcomm would make it's X11-specific libraries (like the DRI2 driver) for the adreno 220/2XX available for those of whom that are wanting to try something else other than Android (i.e. Tizen, Ubuntu, Mer, ect) - even if those drivers were made available in a binary-only form. While the current xf86-video-msm driver does a fair job for getting a non-acelerated X11-based UI up and running, modern desktop environments such as KDE, Unity, Gnome 3, and Lipstick (Mer) require some form of accelerated 2d or 3d to operate at a reasonable speed. If Qualcomm makes these drivers available, we would have everything that we need to get a fully functioning GNU/Linux system running on snapdragon hardware.

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Posted: Sun, 2012-03-18 10:34

I would like to thank you guys for releasing the drivers for Ice Cream Sandwich. It really means a lot as it shows your support for the developer community. However, many of us were quick to find out that these drivers have been compiled for ARMv7. Although ARMv6 may be a thing of the past (or at least becoming quickly outdated), there is still quite a number of us that still have phones that use ARMv6, myself included.

There are many developers that are trying to port Ice Cream Sandwich to a good number of devices. For the devices that use ARMv7, true hardware acceleration is now possible thanks to your drivers. But for the devices that use ARMv6, true hardware acceleration is not possible without your help. Most, if not all, ARMv6 devices that I am aware of use hacks to bring hardware acceleration. Although I am not a developer, I am sure these "hacks" are nothing compared to what your drivers (for ARMv6) may bring.

As big as the developer community is, there are a lot of things that we cannot do without your help. Only Qualcomm can release Adreno 2xx drivers compiled for ARMv6. Other than that, there is not much we can do. Yes, there are still hacks, but between these hacks and your drivers, I'm sure the developer community would choose your drivers. While you may wonder why you should still support an old processor, our Adreno GPUs have a lot of potential, and releasing the drivers for ARMv6 will only prove just that. Please consider this request on behalf of many ARMv6 users.

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srdjan _segvic
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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-19 02:04

Great work Qualcomm.

You have proven that you understand the community, the changing marketplace and importance of supporting your customers.

I hope this will be a turning point in the industry, paving a way for a fruitful collaboration between the community and Qualcomm.

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Vicente J._Bailén
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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-19 02:55

Thanks again!, I expect we can enjoy an even better device. I bought my HTC Desire AMOLED two years ago as pre-order, and it looks now like the first day. It has got  a very good hardware, and probably in a few months an excelent ICS software too.

Best regards,


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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-19 05:48

Please, release the binaries for armv6, too

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Join Date: 19 Mar 12
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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-19 06:01

Please please please add support for msm7x27 ARMv6!

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Join Date: 19 Mar 12
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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-19 06:58

Please please add support for msm7x27 ARMv6!

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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-19 08:43

ARMv6 support pleeeaasee :)

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Join Date: 19 Mar 12
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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-19 09:05

Pleeease add support for msm7x27 ARMv6, it won't cost you a lot, but it will be very helpful for the whole ARMv6 community! :)

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Join Date: 18 Mar 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-03-20 03:16

Hi Qualcomm,

Thanks for new libs for armv7!

It would be awesome if you can also support MSM7227 (armv6)... You can find already in the forum a petition for that Chipset:

Exist a lot of devices with that Chipset MSM7227: see here


These devices are GSM cousins of the Snapdragon chips, for example they include OpenGL ES 2.0 engine and Adreno 200 included.[6]
Popular phones using these processors:

Thanks for your support!

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Join Date: 20 Mar 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-03-20 05:36


Dear Qualcomm,

please add support for msm7x27 ARMv6!

Best Regards,



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Join Date: 20 Mar 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-03-20 15:43

In the most cordial request to provide the Drivers Compiled for ARMv6

Thank you very much

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Join Date: 20 Mar 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-03-20 18:20

Hey ... we are all waiting an answer... we hope that you will say yes to our request.

Every day that you let us in suspense a little kitty dies.

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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-21 12:29

please Qualcomm provide the ics adreno 200 driver for arm6!

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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-21 13:06


Dear Qualcomm, Im one of the ARMv6 phone owner. Im really missing ICS on my Phone (X10 mini Pro). 

Our Community Developers trying to port ICS for Adreno 200 based devices

Please Provide us Drivers for ARMv6 Adreno 200 based devices.


Thank You,



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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-21 18:39


I'm not dev but, I have Xperia x10 mini where SonyEricsson or Sony Mobile have left us. We are stuck at Eclair, They have no time to wake up our mini phone at least to Froyo. They said we have no propper processor and memory.

But, most devs all out make it happen, and untill now we have a great GingerBread for our little phone. You know, it's ARMv6, and it so fast!!!.

This year we're gonna move to ICS, and you know what our little device run ICS smoothly. But some device need propper library to make it stable. Please, help our devs.

This one is our dev ICS ROM,

Thank's for your time

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Join Date: 16 Mar 12
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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-21 21:44

Qualcomm I love you and you love me, please release the new libs for the MSM7227 chipset, and I not go to choose for the Tegra Smartphones... Sorry for my very bad english, I'm Brazillian.

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Join Date: 22 Mar 12
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Posted: Thu, 2012-03-22 11:18

Thanks Qualcomm, but you've left VV


users in the dark room. :(

Thank you for releasing Arm7 Adreno 2xx libs, now please, we beg, do the same for Armv6! (MSM7227)






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Posted: Fri, 2012-03-23 12:07

thanks for doing a wonderfull job with your adreno for armv7. im sure the comunity is indeed please and grateful for your provisions.

the armv6 set is still in the dark however and thats why where asking for your support. if its too much work providing us the codes then if possible, provide us with whats needed to make the codes ourselfs. drivers or so.


armv6 is quite old but im sure qualcomm would be plastered all over the developing comunitty threads and mod site and im sure could become the comunities choice phone because of the support to the comunity so we can continue working on our phones untill we simply cant anymore. dont be the reason why our ICS ROM cant be finished. the libs is the whats needed to continue at the moment.

i dont know if you all heard about paul-xxx but he supports the 2010 line of xperias. right now? im running ICS port by him. it works "wonderful" but guess what. hardware accelaration.. yeah kinda need that cause at the moment no camera, video no play smooth (at all) but the work is good and all he needs at the moment to give all of us with these line of phones complete ICS is adreno 200 libs for ICS. think about it. my next phone would be a qualcomm phone if you all supported the comunitty.

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Join Date: 25 Mar 12
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Posted: Sun, 2012-03-25 06:18

Please release Adreno 200 driver for MSM7227 ARMV6 chipset.

Our phone should deserve better gaming/overall performance with such a good hardware :D

If Qualcomm do release driver for us, I will consider to buy Qualcomm chipset based phone next time ! 

Thanks in advanced,


Best Regards,


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Join Date: 25 Mar 12
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Posted: Sun, 2012-03-25 12:08

Please, we are a lot of people who's trying to get ICS for their devices. Google said every smartphone who had Android will get an Android ICS update, and it won't be possible if you don't release the drivers, please we need them! 

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Join Date: 21 Mar 12
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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-26 00:23

I am a proud owner of "Xperia X10 Mini Pro" only because of the development that goes on in
Developers have worked really hard to supprt our little phone.. Please help us continue the development..

Thanks and Regards,

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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Tue, 2012-03-27 08:07

Please be patient. I've responded in the other thread, but these kind of requests take a while to work their way through the system, since they require high level approval.

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Join Date: 27 Mar 12
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Posted: Tue, 2012-03-27 13:49


Please release the so needed drivers!!


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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-28 01:37

Thanks for replying and we understand. its because of the open source and modifyabiity of the android we bought device with your chip otherwise we would had gone with iphone. we will still buy snapdragons. we love qualcomm.

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Posted: Thu, 2012-03-29 12:34

In order to provide enthusiasts with recent improvements made to Snapdragon's Adreno graphics driver for the 7x27 based on the ARMv6 ISA, Qualcomm has posted the updated Adreno 200 graphics driver binaries here. It has been tested with the Ice Cream Sandwich CAF release M8960AAAAANLYA1030, but Qualcomm is providing these driver binaries "as is" to those of you who have requested them.

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