Forums - [Thinkpad x13s 8cx Gen3] Does SNPE is supported on its DSP?

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[Thinkpad x13s 8cx Gen3] Does SNPE is supported on its DSP?
Join Date: 7 Dec 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2023-03-15 02:38


I have been trying snpe- windows version on Thinkpad x13s which is based on snapdragon 8cx Gen3.

It works well for CPU bu default. Once turn to dsp, errors show. You can check my command below.

# OK for cpu
C:\Users\mt_ap\Desktop\snpe-\snpe-\bin\aarch64-windows-vc19\inception_v3>..\snpe-net-run.exe --container dlc\inception_v3_quantized.dlc --input_list data\cropped\raw_list.txt
Model String: N/A
SNPE v2.7.0.4264
Processing DNN input(s):
Processing DNN input(s):
Processing DNN input(s):
Processing DNN input(s):
Successfully executed!
# not OK for DSP
C:\Users\mt_ap\Desktop\snpe-\snpe-\bin\aarch64-windows-vc19\inception_v3>..\snpe-net-run.exe --container dlc\inception_v3_quantized.dlc --input_list data\cropped\raw_list.txt --use_dsp
error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. QnnGraph_create() Failed: 6031; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=1809; thread_id=3716; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=311; thread_id=4964
Steps I followed are in reference guide in $SNPE_ROOT/doc(tutorials and examples->Running Nets->TensorFlow Inception v3 in Windows).
I also tried to build a windows app which followed steps by link Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK for AI Getting Started - Qualcomm Developer Network. The result is failed too.
C:\Users\mt_ap\Desktop\snpe-\snpe-\examples\NativeCpp\SampleCode_Windows\build\Release>snpe-sample.exe --container inception_v3_quantized.dlc --input_list target_raw_list.txt --runtime dsp
SNPE Version:
Error while building SNPE object.

Please take a look, thanks in advance.

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 2023-03-19 06:28

Daer customer,

Thanks for your great work on compute chipset.

SNPE supported on latet SDK for Gen3.

You can convert your model on latest SNPE SDK which is Linux version. Then load the quantized dlc to Windows which integrated with Windows SNPE  SDK.




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Join Date: 7 Dec 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2023-03-19 19:48

Hi Wei,

Thanks for your tips. 

You can convert your model on latest SNPE SDK which is Linux version. Then load the quantized dlc to Windows which integrated with Windows SNPE  SDK.

## Reply: This is exactly the steps I performed. After converting the quantized dlc, I transfered to Windows which is 8cx gen3 based. And the result is the previous reported.

Is there  something wrong with my dlc? Could you please give the correct quantized dlc file so I can have a try at my side?  Thanks.

Best regrads,


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