Forums - Meta Quest 3 driver crash

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Meta Quest 3 driver crash
Join Date: 1 Mar 24
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2024-03-20 22:39

Hi, don't know where to post this specific question, I'll just post it here. Our Meta Quest 3 Vulkan game using UE4.27 crashed at certain point in game. I was able to obtain this log from Android logcat. I want to know what it means, and what can we do to fix this. Specifically, what does opcode 0x0000001e mean?

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Join Date: 18 Mar 24
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2024-03-28 17:23



I am also developing with Quest 3. Did you use Adreno OpenCL SDK successfully on Quest 3?

I just begin with Adreno SDK on Quest 3, and the OpenCL SDK cannot find the platform, I am confused where is wrong. 

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