Forums - Device won't boot after flashing using fastboot

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Device won't boot after flashing using fastboot
Join Date: 20 Jun 21
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2021-06-30 14:39

I manage to build RB5 HLOS image using code from Chipcode and Code Aurora. I built in the qti-distro-rb-perf mode. Then I follow the release note and use fastboot to flash the images onto the board using the following command:

#adb reboot bootloader

#fastboot flash abl_a abl.elf

#fastboot flash abl_b abl.elf

#fastboot flash persist persist.img

#fastboot flash system_a system.img

#fastboot flash system_b system.img

#fastboot flash userdata userdata.img

#fastboot flash boot_a boot.img

#fastboot flash boot_b boot.img

#fastboot reboot

But after I flash the device, the device can no longer boot anymore. Any idea what could be happening? Do I need to flash the CDT as well?

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mistry Moderator
Join Date: 18 Apr 18
Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 2021-06-30 16:43

Hi Da.teng,

Boot issues  might be related to CDT being erased/corrupted.
We saw this while switching back and forth between different builds (Linaro <--> LE <--> LU). 

Re-flashing the CDT resolved the issue for me, can you please try to re-flash the CDT? 

Best Regards,




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Join Date: 20 Jun 21
Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 2021-07-01 10:17

Hi Rajan, 

Thanks for the information! I didn't manually flash the CDT myself. What I did was I flashed the LE build that came with the SDK-manager 2.1.0. After that, I flashed the image I built myself from LE source and the device is now able to boot again.

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