Forums - QACT Lite and QPST

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QACT Lite and QPST
Join Date: 22 Oct 15
Location: Fortaleza, CE
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2015-10-26 21:43

Hi, I was reading the Qualcomm SDK documentation and at a point one says that to perform some on target testing of audio framework (Elite), I need to obtain some tools, QACT Lite and QPST. I would like to know what I have to do to get access to them.

Best regards. 

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Brightfield Moderator
Join Date: 8 Oct 12
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Posted: Mon, 2015-10-26 22:42

The tools that are mentioned in the SDK,  QPST and QACT-Lite are flashing and tuning tools that ar provided to commercial customers of Qualcomm,  downloadable evaluation versions are not available.

To recieve these tools,  one must sign a license agreement with Qualcomm called a "Test Tools Agreement".

To obtain such an agreement,  one must sign an NDA with Quacomm.

You can make this request in the QDN web form asking for the SDK evaluation agreement.


Steve Brightfield


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Brightfield Moderator
Join Date: 8 Oct 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2015-10-26 22:42

The tools that are mentioned in the SDK,  QPST and QACT-Lite are flashing and tuning tools that ar provided to commercial customers of Qualcomm,  downloadable evaluation versions are not available.

To recieve these tools,  one must sign a license agreement with Qualcomm called a "Test Tools Agreement".

To obtain such an agreement,  one must sign an NDA with Quacomm.

You can make this request in the QDN web form asking for the SDK evaluation agreement.


Steve Brightfield


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Join Date: 22 Oct 15
Location: Fortaleza, CE
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Posted: Tue, 2015-11-03 06:45


I have another doubt: In order to test customized CAPI_v2 modules in a Dragonboard 8074, do I need to have both tools or just the QACT Lite?

Regarding the agreement, I tried to send a form in the QDN web at "About us >> Contact us >> Contact the account team " (Am I right?), but I am always getting un error: "There was an error retrieving the list of Salesforce objects. Please verify that your Salesforce instance is properly configured." and "Unable to connect to Salesforce using current credentials."

I didn't understand this error and I didn't find where to configure this. When I try to click at "current credentials", it says "Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. requires you to have a validated account to access this area. Please log in or create an account.". I am logged and my account is already validated, I don't know what to do. 

Please help me with this problem.

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Join Date: 28 Oct 15
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Posted: Wed, 2015-11-25 16:44

Hi raphaelbraga,

I am also trying to run an example from APPI module. Were you able to run any example app on the device? If so, what is the procedure I am slightly confused by the documentation.



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Join Date: 22 Oct 15
Location: Fortaleza, CE
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Posted: Wed, 2015-11-25 17:26

Hi swaroop,

I didn't manage to run an APPI module on device. In order to do it, first I need to obtain the QACT Lite tool for audio calibration, but I couldn't get it, it's necessary to sign an NDA and others agreements and I don't know how to do it. I am also having a hard time with the documentation, it's quite confuse for me too. Do you have the QACT Lite?  

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Join Date: 28 Oct 15
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Posted: Wed, 2015-11-25 19:31

Thanks for the reply. I recently got my hands on the SDK. I don't think I have the QACT. I will request it then. Have you find any walkthrough for Audio examples similar to the calculator example walkthrough?  

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Join Date: 22 Oct 15
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Posted: Wed, 2015-11-25 20:18

 Yes, you don't, QACT is not sent with the other tools, you need to sign those agreements first. Actually yes, I found one good walkthrough for testing audio on device, it does not cover the module customization part, it assumes you already have the customize module (APPI, CAPI or CAPIv2). Check out at docs/Audio/Testing_Audio On Target.

If you manage to obtain the NDA and the Qualcomm Tools Agreement, please let me know how you make it.

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Join Date: 28 Oct 15
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Posted: Wed, 2015-11-25 21:49

Thanks a lot. I will check it out and let you know once I obtain QACT

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Posted: Mon, 2015-11-30 10:03

If you are interested in QCT tools, please send a note to [email protected]

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