Forums - HDK8450 get into 9008 mode

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HDK8450 get into 9008 mode
Join Date: 15 Feb 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2023-04-12 00:03

Dear Experts,

After excutive commant "fastboot set_active b"  and try to boot the device  from slot b.  The HDK8450 board  can't be booted up and has no response even I pressed the button "PON" & "VOL-" for a long time, the serials port also doesn't print any log. When  I connect the USB into Windows PC, it shows the board is in the 9008 mode.

From the document "80-NN120-1SC"  i  found the QFIL's "flat build" mode to flash the  ufs may save the development kit. Counld you please help me to locate the cause and provide the download link of programmer package?

Thanks in advance.

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Join Date: 6 Jun 22
Posts: 54
Posted: Wed, 2023-04-12 19:45

we do not have download firmware here, maybe you can ask sales and marketing to get the frimware.


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Join Date: 15 Feb 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2023-04-16 18:59

Thanks for your support.

I bought the development kit from Qualcomm official website sales center, so where can i contact with sales and marketing? Can you provide me with a web link or email address?

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