Forums - LTE Tower Connection Prioritization custom code

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LTE Tower Connection Prioritization custom code
Join Date: 7 Oct 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2022-10-07 12:12

Not sure if this is where this topic goes but I want to customize a cellular modem to only connect to a whitelisted cell tower. I have a customer that has a problem with connecting to fake cell towers using a man in the middle approach - trying to capture corporate secrets. I would like to customize the code to only connect to a list of towers he knows are secure. Is this something even doable? If there is some other way to do this or another place to find a solution, I would appreciate insight.



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Join Date: 29 Jan 20
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2022-11-16 10:49

This security by passing is not an EMBMS related issue. Kindly approach correct forum. Thanks

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