Forums - access to example software

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access to example software
Join Date: 2 Aug 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2017-08-10 13:47

I've been trying to locate some info on how to setup a CSR102x device for connections, but without pairing and was pointed to a beacon demo example. But the sources for this kit was on a site  which gave me this error:

"You do not have the necessary privileges to view information about this document. If you used to have access to this document, the document's access rights or your access privileges may have changed recently. Otherwise, please ensure that you are logged in under the correct account."

I *am* logged in under the correct account, so I emailed support and got this back:

"Please note that all available support materials can be found through access to our BLE Wiki - as of June 1st 2016 -

If you are in need of further support, please access our BLE Forum - as of June 1st 2016 - - which provides you with access to our global support team."

Going to the address above, I downloaded the csr102x_intro_to_bluetooth_low_energy.pdf, and found a link in there under "CSR102x SDK: Core and Packages  Segment Specific Packages" but it's right back to which, of course, gives me the same message about not having privs.

Looking at the number of reply-less questions I see in this area is disheartening, but I figured I'd give it a try.

Is there a support tech reading this, that can fix whatever is blocking me from getting to the other demo examples?




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Join Date: 6 Sep 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2017-09-06 08:22

Hi Mr. Burgett,

I am having the same issue... for some reason Qualcomm makes it really easy to purchase their developement hardware, but impossible to download the tools.   I've put in multiple service requests, submitted my Activiation code, and jumpted through the security hoops and still can't download the simple SDK.   Is there any way you can put the install image on a Dropbox link?   I'm not sure what else to do other than send my stuff back and go with a different company.    Intel is making some nice IOT stuff.



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abarak Moderator
Join Date: 7 Jun 16
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 2017-09-07 01:01

Please see my reply on this post:

This will explain where to intall the SDK from and get all the mesh example apps.

All other example apps (not mesh) will come with the SDK installation.

Hope this helps

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