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What do on-demand language translation, self-driving cars, and video calls have in common? They’re all examples of today’s ubiquitous technology that was once the figment of science fiction (sci-fi).
Hands up if you were on a video call this week? And keep your hands up if you got distracted by someone on the call typing, their dog barking, their kids playing, or other background noise. You were not alone.
If you could design your dream Windows laptop or tablet, what features would be at the top of your list? Today, most users cite high performance, all-day/multi-day battery life, and persistent connectivity to the cloud from anywhere, as their top requirements.
Cellular-vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) is a technology that allows vehicles to communicate directly with one another.
What advantage do you have that developers at Adobe, Cisco, Citrix, Microsoft, and Sophos didn’t have when they were porting their apps to native Arm on Windows?
Were you able to attend this year’s AWS re:Invent from November 29 – December 3?
Qualcomm AI Research showcases its cutting-edge advancements in machine learning
Gamifying your app can potentially increase user engagement and incentivize your users to reach their goals as well as those of your organization. Now, as developers and others see the benefits, gamification is finding its way into IoT applications, including smart-city initiatives.
Do you have a product that delivers the optimal user experience to your customers with Windows on Snapdragon laptops?
How many times have you said, “If I had a drone with 5G, seven-camera concurrency, 8K video and 15 TOPS of processing, I could . . .”
It’s easier than you think to start developing ARM64 apps for Windows on Snapdragon, and it’s getting easier all the time. Think of Windows on Snapdragon as a development cornucopia:
Edge devices are playing a key role in IIoT, Indus
In his recent webinar, Accelerating Distributed AI Applications, Ziad Asghar, our Vice President, Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., gave an insightful and pragma
The 5G rollout is now in full swing bringing more capacity, faster speeds, and lower latency than previous generations of cellular network technologies.
We’ve teamed up with the IMGA (International Mobile Gaming Awards) to bring you a whitepaper on the 5G Future of Mobile Games.
We’ve teamed up with the IMGA (International Mobile Gaming Awards) to bring you a whitepaper on the 5G Future of Mobile Games.
We’ve teamed up with the IMGA (International Mobile Gaming Awards) to bring you a whitepaper on the 5G Future of Mobile Games.
New opportunities for mobile game developers to provide heightened levels of immersion are being created at the intersection of television, cinema, and videogames. It becomes even more compelling when these transmedia experiences are combined with 5G, pervasive gaming, and AI.
Many of you can probably remember when consuming content like music and videos involved going to a store to buy or rent the physical media on which it was distributed.
If you’re a developer new to building games, you might not realize how good you have it.


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