Qualcomm Keyword Speech Dataset

Keyword spotting (KWS) is widely used for detecting specific keywords in personal devices like mobile phones and home appliances. A keyword may consist of multiple words, where “Hey, Siri,” “OK, Google,” and “Hi, Bixby” are well-known examples.

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. has published a keyword dataset for the Snapdragon® mobile platform. The Hey Snapdragon keyword dataset contains 4,270 audio clips of four English keyword classes spoken by 50 people. The four keyword classes are:
  • “Hey, Android”
  • “Hey, Snapdragon”
  • “Hi, Galaxy”
  • “Hi, Lumina”

Find out more about the keyword speech dataset and see how you can use it in your research projects.

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Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.