Forums - how to check DSP utilization curve from snapdragon profiler

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how to check DSP utilization curve from snapdragon profiler
Join Date: 8 Jul 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-08-03 01:08


using snapdragon profiler, I am checking DSP utilization of my application. 
the following curve is captured, but I can not understand it well, would you give me instruction about questions below:
1. is the range showing in the wave 0-100%?
2. what means the '205.48m' at the bottom? what unit is 'm'?
3. why is the curve so cliffy and tossed? how can I get an average scalar? 
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Join Date: 27 Feb 22
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2022-07-26 23:10

I performed dsp utilisation in my mobile (realme and snapdragon 712 processor)
I got the data by running an app and after few seconds, playing an audio in that app we can see the difference in the new snap chat capture picture.
For any more clarification send screenshot of your results

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