Forums - Click Realtime - Profiler is quited unexpected

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Click Realtime - Profiler is quited unexpected
Join Date: 5 Apr 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2020-04-06 02:35


I am using Snapdragon Profiler v2019.4

I have connected with my device (V50) and click Realtime for profiling. (Every time)

I attached the profiler log belows.

Could you answer me why this occurs?



E: SDPCore: SDPCoreDB: Failed to open database 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents/SnapdragonProfiler/2020-04-06T16-04-39/sdp.db'
E: SDPCore: SessionManager: Failed to open database 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents/SnapdragonProfiler/2020-04-06T16-04-39/sdp.db'
I: SDPCore: Scanning for devices...
I: SDPCore: Started QNX device scan
I: SDPCore: Started Integrity_RTOS device scan
I: SDPCore: Device added: LMV500N91029abe
I: SDPCore: Device 'LMV500N91029abe' discovered.
I: SDPCore: Device 'LMV500N91029abe' ready.
I: SDPCore: Starting service: adb -s LMV500N91029abe shell LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/sdpservice -clientIP -cmdNetPort 6500
I: SDPCore: Listening for command net connections on port 6500...
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 listening on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Device 'LMV500N91029abe' connected.
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
E: SDPCore: Capture: Failed to insert a new record for capture type 1.
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0x4C1A3F91): SDPTrace Plugin
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 accepted connection on tcp://
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0x530B60FE): PowerDataPlugin
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0xE813E2D1): ThermalDataprovider
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0x0C792CE5): OpenCLDataProvider
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0xEE72972E): VulkanDataPlugin
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0xAC149610): NetworkDataProvider
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0xFB53BFE2): GGPMDataProvider
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0x97E53411): CPUDataProvider
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
I: SDPCore: DataProvider replicated (0xBD2D700E): OpenGLESDataPlugin
I: SDPCore: Client connecting to file transfer network at
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eshaw Moderator
Join Date: 12 May 16
Location: San Diego
Posts: 142
Posted: Mon, 2020-04-06 10:53

These errors indicate the problem:

E: SDPCore: SDPCoreDB: Failed to open database 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents/SnapdragonProfiler/2020-04-06T16-04-39/sdp.db'
E: SDPCore: SessionManager: Failed to open database 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents/SnapdragonProfiler/2020-04-06T16-04-39/sdp.db'
For some reason Profiler is unable to create the database file it uses to store all of the data it collects. I don't know what would cause that, but without this file Profiler cannot function.
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