Forums - Getting old version of profiler

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Getting old version of profiler
Join Date: 23 Mar 17
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2019-11-17 08:31


I'm trying to get snapshots from an Oculus Quest.

I was able to launch my app with 2019.1 (which I downloaded when it was the new version) and get some realtime metrics but not a snapshot.

I couldn't launch my app with 2019.3 (it started but never displayed anything).

Could I get a link to 2019.2 so I can try that version? Also, old versions of Adreno Profiler would be useful too.



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Join Date: 27 May 15
Posts: 246
Posted: Mon, 2019-11-18 09:18
I added Snapdragon Profiler v2019.2 at the bottom of the tools & resources page. However, we don't have any of the older versions of Adreno Profiler.
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Join Date: 23 Mar 17
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2019-11-18 10:24


Unfortunately I have the same problem as with 2019.1 - I am unable to capture, but I can get realtime stats.

There are some strange issues with the realtime stats - for example, the "% Stalled on System Memory" stat shows a value between 0 and 474.18m, and sometimes "Average Vertices / Polygon" also has a "XXX.XXm" value. Is m=milli?

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