Forums - SnapShot Capture stopped working on Google Pixel 2 XL and Google Pixel 3a

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SnapShot Capture stopped working on Google Pixel 2 XL and Google Pixel 3a
Join Date: 5 Feb 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2019-07-15 02:11


Over the last couple of months, my Google Pixel 2 XL stopped working with the "Snapshot Capture" option of Snapdragon Profiler (Device running Android 9, updated to latest June 5th, 2019 security patch)
Realtime capture still works but no matter what I try, Snapshot Capture is always showing "No eligible processes found" despite working fine if I use a different device with the same app I'm trying to analyse.

We purchased a Google Pixel 3a and that device also doesn't seem to work with the Snapshot Capture feature.

Is there anything I can do to be able to make Snapshot capture work on these Google Pixel devices?

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Join Date: 21 Jan 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2019-10-22 17:35

My Samsung Galaxy 9 recently stopped working. I assume it's because I did some system updates to get the latest from Samsung. Is there any way to help debug this so I can get this working again? I'm dead without the ability to do Snapshots.

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