Forums - Very Little Granularity in Snapdragon Profiler

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Very Little Granularity in Snapdragon Profiler
Join Date: 8 Jan 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2018-01-12 16:17


When I am profiling my Vulkan app, I get the following trace for every frame:

This doesn't seem to be anywhere near the level of granularity as shown in the videos. For reference this is rendering about 3 million vertices, and putting textures over it, so it isn't anything technically complicated, but it doesn't seem right that there is so little granularity. Is there something else I need to do?


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Carlos Dominguez Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jul 15
Location: San Diego
Posts: 110
Posted: Mon, 2018-01-29 08:49

You are correct, you should be getting more granularity out of the 'Rendering Stages' metric. At a minimum I would expect to see another track that shows the surfaces that have been rendered. The fact that the only node you see is 'Render Clear' looks fishy and just by the looks of it, I think it should be labeled 'Render'. That said, the reason why you get a big block in the 'Render' track is because your app did not incur into any 'GMEM loads' so the actual data looks feasible to me.

Could you please provide the details of the device you are using as well as perhaps provide the test app you are using?

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