Forums - What does "ALU utilisation" = 128% means ?

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What does "ALU utilisation" = 128% means ?
Join Date: 1 Nov 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2017-11-08 05:54

During profiling of a OpenCL kernel, I saw that "ALU Utilization" is 128%. I am curious that what this number signifies. IMO it should be 100% max.

What is the formula to compute "ALU Utilization" ? Please guide me to the link which explains these matric parameters.


Thanks in advance!!

Rahul Sharma

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Carlos Dominguez Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jul 15
Location: San Diego
Posts: 110
Posted: Wed, 2017-11-08 09:19

You are right, the % ALU Utilization should not go over 100%, the metric calculation depends on the Adreno GPU you are using. What device are you using?


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