Forums - SnapDragon Profiler Can't display captured frame

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SnapDragon Profiler Can't display captured frame
Join Date: 10 May 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2017-10-15 21:42

I installed the latest version of SnapDragon Profiler and my device uses SnapDragon 835.When i press the "Take Snapshot" button, all works fine except displaying image of captured frame. Frame view is still black and none display option affect it.

I  see render calls list, i can see shaders, but i can't see the image of captured frame.

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Join Date: 31 Jan 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2018-08-08 06:31

Same thing is happening to me.

I'm trying to capture a Unity game running on SM-T350. Everything works as expected apart from the captured frame. It's black. I'm on Windows 10 using Adreno Profiler 4.0.5511.5192. 

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