Forums - I cannot connect my device Nexus6

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I cannot connect my device Nexus6
Join Date: 21 May 15
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2016-09-26 01:53

device:Nexus6 with 6.0.1 android

PC:linux ubuntu

adb devices shows right, adb path setted,

Snapdragon Profiler installation is successful and device is ready,but it cannot connect device even though I have set connection timeout 30 secods

I really cannot figure out whats wrong with that,help me please~

thanks a lot~

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Join Date: 15 Feb 13
Posts: 386
Posted: Mon, 2016-09-26 08:11

Sorry to hear that you are having problems.

One possible reason for this is having an older version of ADB.  Snapdragon Profiler 1.5.1 requires ADB 1.0.32 or later. Snapdragon Profiler should warn you if you are running an older version. You can also check this by typing 'adb version' in the cmd prompt. 

If you need to upgrade to ADB 1.0.32, these links might help you:

15 second ADB installer for Windows - This will install the newest version.

More about installing ADB on any OS

Please let us know if this does not resolve your issue. Thanks. 


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