Forums - Using SNPE on Snapdragon Flight

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Using SNPE on Snapdragon Flight
Join Date: 21 Sep 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2018-04-03 16:18

I'm trying to use SNPE to run Deep learning models on the Snapdragon Flight board. I'm having difficulties using "snpe-net-run" on the Snapdragon Flight board. 

To be specific, I'm stuck in the "Run on android target" part of the tutorial for the "Tensorflow inception v3" model. Once I push all the binaries, I'm unable to run "snpe-net-run -h" on the target (via adb shell). I think this could be an issue with the android binaries' architecture. I tried all four combinations listed: armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a, one compiled with gcc4.9 using gnustl STL implementation, and the other compiled with clang3.8 using libc++ STL implementation. 

Has anyone done this? I'm not trying to execute a custom model, just the inbuilt tutorial ones. 

My version of SNPE is snpe-1.12.0. 

I'm new to SNPE and the Snapdragon flight board, so apologies if I've left out important information. I'm willing to provide info if necessary. 

Thank you. 

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Join Date: 21 Sep 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2018-04-10 12:49

Resolved by doing the following: 

Copying the following SNPE binaries to the board:




On the board, change directory to where the files are copied.

chmod u+x snpe-net-run


snpe-net-run should run. Need to be root to use GPU acceleration, by “sudo su”.

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