Forums - snpe-release.aar vs snpe-gcc-release.aar.

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snpe-release.aar vs snpe-gcc-release.aar.
Join Date: 15 Mar 18
Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 2018-03-31 17:05
Can anyone explain what the difference is between snpe-release.aar and snpe-gcc-release.aar?
I know they are compiled with gcc vs llvm, but the llvm one is half the size.
Is it just better? Is there any speed difference? Why are the two being provided for Android is one superior?
I can't find anything in the documentation about it.
I will use snpe-release.aar for now, but just wondering is there any merit in using snpe-gcc-release.aar?
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Join Date: 15 Mar 18
Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 2018-04-02 17:34

Also why does the command:

$ source bin/ -t /data/tensorflow

Add those two files to the snpe-gcc-release.aar?

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/data$ source bin/ -t /data/tensorflow
[INFO] Setting TENSORFLOW_HOME=/data/tensorflow
[INFO] Found ANDROID_NDK_ROOT at /data/ndk-bundle
[INFO] Found /data/lib/arm-android-gcc4.9/
[INFO] Adding armeabi-v7a to /data/android/snpe-gcc-release.aar
[INFO] Found /data/lib/aarch64-android-gcc4.9/
[INFO] Adding arm64-v8a to /data/android/snpe-gcc-release.aar
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