Forums - unable to pass multiple inputs to network

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unable to pass multiple inputs to network
Join Date: 3 Jan 18
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2018-01-03 03:20


I am trying to convert a CNN with two inputs to dlc. I have been able to convert my .caffemodel to .dlc. But, I'm not sure how to run ./bin/x86_64-linux-clang/snpe-net-run on the host pc with multiple inputs to the network for validation.

I have tried passing the input filelist with <<in1>, <in2>>, <<in1> <in2>> and also separately from two files. In all cases, I get the following output:

$./bin/x86_64-linux-clang/snpe-net-run --container models/eyenet-lstm/dlc/eyenet_lstm.dlc --input_list models/eyenet-lstm/data/cropped/filelist.txt

Model String: N/A
Number of input files does not match the number of inputs to the network.
Expecting: 2
Got: 1



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Join Date: 21 Dec 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2018-01-04 00:22

did you try to put two files in each line of the filelist.txt? such as:


test_png/0001000.raw, test_png/0002000.raw

test_png/0003000.raw, test_png/0004000.raw




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