Forums - NPE Slow

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NPE Slow
Join Date: 28 Nov 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2017-12-19 08:25


I successfully run my inception v3 on my Qualcomm Open-Q 835 Development Kit. But it seems very slow. Using GPU It takes up to 1456 ms and using CPU 2500 ms. When Running the NPE, it ouputs me "D/snpe-android: Network forward took 1456 ms" but after that it takes 2000 ms to reach after processing. 

final Map<String, FloatTensor> outputs = mNeuralNetwork.execute(inputs);

Why is it stopping after that line for 2000ms ? And how can I speed up the whole execution process because 1456 ms also seem not very fast.


Best Regards


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Join Date: 30 Nov 17
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2018-01-02 06:20

Hey Tobi,

perhaps the network debug is set to "true", set it to "false" for better performance, see "" in the tutorial:


Best Regards,

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