Forums - ERROR_CAFFE2_DATA_NOT_AN_EXTERNAL_DATA_INPUT when using snpe-caffe2-to-dlc

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ERROR_CAFFE2_DATA_NOT_AN_EXTERNAL_DATA_INPUT when using snpe-caffe2-to-dlc
Join Date: 19 Oct 17
Location: Boulder, CO
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2017-12-05 16:11

When running the snpe-caffe2-to-dlc converter, I am encountering the following error message.

Encountered Error: ERROR_CAFFE2_DATA_NOT_AN_EXTERNAL_DATA_INPUT: data is not an external data input.

I downloaded the sqeezenet pb files from the caffe2 model zoo at:

I believe this indicates that the layer named "data" is not an external data input. As far as I can tell, "data" is what the saved squeezenet calls this layer. I tried with and without quotations with the --input_dim switch, as in --input_dim "data" 3,224,224 and --input_dim data 3,224,224.

I tested loading these using caffe2/python and processing a sample input image, and it works fine (on the same computer/caffe2 install as I'm trying to use with SNPE).

I tried this with snpe 1.6 and 1.8 and both give the same error.

I am not an experienced caffe2 user and am just getting started with snpe. Any chance for direct ONNX support anytime soon?

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Join Date: 4 Feb 15
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2017-12-07 12:24

Hi. In terms of ONNX support, while we can't discuss any of the details or the timeline of our roadmap on the forums, ONNX support is something we have been looking into. I'll pass on your Caffe2 related error message and you should get a response soon.

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Join Date: 4 Feb 15
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2017-12-07 14:18

Hi. We ran a quick test on squeezenet, and the following command works for us:

snpe-caffe2-to-dlc -p predict_net.pb -e exec_net.pb -i data 3,224,224

We used SNPE 1.8.0 and version 0.8.1 of Caffe2.

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