Forums - Cannot convert dense layers: ERROR - Conversion failed: Some operations in the Tensorflow graph were not resolved to a layer!

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Cannot convert dense layers: ERROR - Conversion failed: Some operations in the Tensorflow graph were not resolved to a layer!
Join Date: 23 Oct 17
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2017-11-02 06:56

When converting a custom tensorflow graph I am seeing errors relating to the conversion of a dense layer to DLC:

2017-11-02 13:43:35,260 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/Tensordot/transpose) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,261 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/Tensordot/transpose_1) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,261 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/Tensordot/MatMul) not consumed by converter: MatMul.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,261 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/BiasAdd) not consumed by converter: BiasAdd.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,261 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/Tensordot/transpose) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,262 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/Tensordot/transpose_1) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,262 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/Tensordot/MatMul) not consumed by converter: MatMul.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,262 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/BiasAdd) not consumed by converter: BiasAdd.
2017-11-02 13:43:35,263 - 123 - ERROR - Conversion failed: Some operations in the Tensorflow graph were not resolved to a layer!
I am a bit confused by this because the layer is simply a dense layer following a 2D convolutional which I am sure is supported by the SNPE. What is the cause of the error?
The topology of the graph is as follows:
0 input_layer Placeholder
1 conv2d/kernel Const
2 conv2d/kernel/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d/kernel
3 conv2d/bias Const
4 conv2d/bias/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d/bias
5 conv2d/convolution Conv2D
└─── Input0 ─ input_layer
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d/kernel/read
6 conv2d/BiasAdd BiasAdd
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d/convolution
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d/bias/read
7 conv2d/Relu Relu
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d/BiasAdd
8 max_pooling2d/MaxPool MaxPool
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d/Relu
9 conv2d_1/kernel Const
10 conv2d_1/kernel/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_1/kernel
11 conv2d_1/bias Const
12 conv2d_1/bias/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_1/bias
13 conv2d_2/convolution Conv2D
└─── Input0 ─ max_pooling2d/MaxPool
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d_1/kernel/read
14 conv2d_2/BiasAdd BiasAdd
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_2/convolution
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d_1/bias/read
15 conv2d_2/Relu Relu
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_2/BiasAdd
16 max_pooling2d_2/MaxPool MaxPool
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_2/Relu
17 conv2d_2/kernel Const
18 conv2d_2/kernel/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_2/kernel
19 conv2d_2/bias Const
20 conv2d_2/bias/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_2/bias
21 conv2d_3/convolution Conv2D
└─── Input0 ─ max_pooling2d_2/MaxPool
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d_2/kernel/read
22 conv2d_3/BiasAdd BiasAdd
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_3/convolution
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d_2/bias/read
23 conv2d_3/Relu Relu
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_3/BiasAdd
24 conv2d_3/kernel Const
25 conv2d_3/kernel/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_3/kernel
26 conv2d_3/bias Const
27 conv2d_3/bias/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_3/bias
28 conv2d_4/convolution Conv2D
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_3/Relu
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d_3/kernel/read
29 conv2d_4/BiasAdd BiasAdd
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_4/convolution
└─── Input1 ─ conv2d_3/bias/read
30 conv2d_4/Relu Relu
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_4/BiasAdd
31 dense/kernel Const
32 dense/kernel/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ dense/kernel
33 dense/bias Const
34 dense/bias/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ dense/bias
35 dense/Tensordot/transpose/perm Const
36 dense/Tensordot/transpose Transpose
└─── Input0 ─ conv2d_4/Relu
└─── Input1 ─ dense/Tensordot/transpose/perm
37 dense/Tensordot/Reshape/shape Const
38 dense/Tensordot/Reshape Reshape
└─── Input0 ─ dense/Tensordot/transpose
└─── Input1 ─ dense/Tensordot/Reshape/shape
39 dense/Tensordot/transpose_1/perm Const
40 dense/Tensordot/transpose_1 Transpose
└─── Input0 ─ dense/kernel/read
└─── Input1 ─ dense/Tensordot/transpose_1/perm
41 dense/Tensordot/Reshape_1/shape Const
42 dense/Tensordot/Reshape_1 Reshape
└─── Input0 ─ dense/Tensordot/transpose_1
└─── Input1 ─ dense/Tensordot/Reshape_1/shape
43 dense/Tensordot/MatMul MatMul
└─── Input0 ─ dense/Tensordot/Reshape
└─── Input1 ─ dense/Tensordot/Reshape_1
44 dense/Tensordot/shape Const
45 dense/Tensordot Reshape
└─── Input0 ─ dense/Tensordot/MatMul
└─── Input1 ─ dense/Tensordot/shape
46 dense/BiasAdd BiasAdd
└─── Input0 ─ dense/Tensordot
└─── Input1 ─ dense/bias/read
47 dense/Relu Relu
└─── Input0 ─ dense/BiasAdd
48 logit/kernel Const
49 logit/kernel/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ logit/kernel
50 logit/bias Const
51 logit/bias/read Identity
└─── Input0 ─ logit/bias
52 logit/Tensordot/transpose/perm Const
53 logit/Tensordot/transpose Transpose
└─── Input0 ─ dense/Relu
└─── Input1 ─ logit/Tensordot/transpose/perm
54 logit/Tensordot/Reshape/shape Const
55 logit/Tensordot/Reshape Reshape
└─── Input0 ─ logit/Tensordot/transpose
└─── Input1 ─ logit/Tensordot/Reshape/shape
56 logit/Tensordot/transpose_1/perm Const
57 logit/Tensordot/transpose_1 Transpose
└─── Input0 ─ logit/kernel/read
└─── Input1 ─ logit/Tensordot/transpose_1/perm
58 logit/Tensordot/Reshape_1/shape Const
59 logit/Tensordot/Reshape_1 Reshape
└─── Input0 ─ logit/Tensordot/transpose_1
└─── Input1 ─ logit/Tensordot/Reshape_1/shape
60 logit/Tensordot/MatMul MatMul
└─── Input0 ─ logit/Tensordot/Reshape
└─── Input1 ─ logit/Tensordot/Reshape_1
61 logit/Tensordot/shape Const
62 logit/Tensordot Reshape
└─── Input0 ─ logit/Tensordot/MatMul
└─── Input1 ─ logit/Tensordot/shape
63 logit/BiasAdd BiasAdd
└─── Input0 ─ logit/Tensordot
└─── Input1 ─ logit/bias/read
64 output Identity
└─── Input0 ─ logit/BiasAdd


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Join Date: 14 Sep 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 2017-11-02 23:18

Maybe you can try --allow_unconsumed_nodes parameter for snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc command.

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Join Date: 23 Oct 17
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2017-11-03 02:05

What does that command do exactly? I tried running it and the result was a different error so it seems like some progress has been made.


2017-11-03 09:02:21.214193: W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.1 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
2017-11-03 09:02:21.214441: W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.2 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
2017-11-03 09:02:21.214722: W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use AVX instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,306 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/Tensordot/transpose) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,308 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/Tensordot/transpose_1) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,308 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/Tensordot/MatMul) not consumed by converter: MatMul.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,308 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (dense/BiasAdd) not consumed by converter: BiasAdd.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,309 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/Tensordot/transpose) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,309 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/Tensordot/transpose_1) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,309 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/Tensordot/MatMul) not consumed by converter: MatMul.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,309 - 305 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (logit/BiasAdd) not consumed by converter: BiasAdd.
2017-11-03 09:02:21,412 - 123 - ERROR - Conversion failed: ERROR_TF_LAYER_NO_INPUT_FOUND: Reshape layer dense/Tensordot/Reshape_1 requires at least one input layer.


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Join Date: 15 Sep 17
Posts: 27
Posted: Fri, 2017-11-03 10:32

Your graph seems to have Reshape operations to reshape weights? This is not supported and SNPE fails to convert as it thinks you have a reshape layer in the model which is related to weights and not to the graph computation.

Please post a minimal sample graph that reproduces the error if you require further support.

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Join Date: 23 Oct 17
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Posted: Mon, 2017-11-06 03:24

Dear dmarques, I am not sure where the reshape operations are coming from, the graph is defined in python as follows:

input_layer = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, 1, 8000, 1], name='input_layer')

# Convolutional Layer #1
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(
pool1 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv1, pool_size=(1,2), strides=2)
# Convolutional Layer #1
conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d(
pool2 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv2, pool_size=(1,2), strides=2)
conv3 = tf.layers.conv2d(
conv4 = tf.layers.conv2d(
# Dense Layer
dense = tf.layers.dense(inputs=conv4, units=1024, activation=tf.nn.relu)
# Logits Layerf
logits = tf.layers.dense(inputs=dense, units=5, name='logit')
output = tf.identity(logits, 'output')
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Join Date: 15 Sep 17
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Posted: Mon, 2017-11-06 11:29

We don't currently support tf.layers.dense. It transforms weights and biases in a way that is not currently supported.

I tried using tflearn.layers.fully_connected API in your example and that will work although be aware we don't currently support batch and your fullycoinnected operations are using batches.

Hope that helps
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Join Date: 23 Oct 17
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Posted: Mon, 2017-11-06 15:25

Thanks dmarques! Could you post a sample of the code you used to get it to work with tflearn.layers.fully_connected ? I haven't used that API and it would be helpful to me.

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Join Date: 15 Sep 17
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Posted: Tue, 2017-11-07 09:45

You can find samples at

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Join Date: 23 Oct 17
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Posted: Wed, 2017-11-08 15:26

@dmarques according to the documentation (v.1.6.0) both dense and reshape layers are supported on all cores?

I'm not sure using tflearn is going to work because I am unable to get it to train using my data (where the target is 2D onehot encoded) and in addition I cannot understand how it would apply the output of a 2D conv layer to a fully connected layer without a reshape or squeeze operation? A tf.Matmul wouldn't work in this case.

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Join Date: 15 Sep 17
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Posted: Thu, 2017-11-09 07:02

The issue here is that there is a reshape operation being applied to wheights (introduced by tf.layer.dense API) and the converter missinterprets it as part of the model execution and hence tries to convert to a layer which it can't since there are no input layers to it.

You can use reshape between a convolution and fully connected to flatten the tensor and it will work fine.



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