Forums - Faster-RCNN support

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Faster-RCNN support
Join Date: 7 Feb 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2017-10-28 13:33


Version 1.6.0 supports faster-RCNN however I am having dificulties using the model and I was wondering if you can help me.

I used the model from:

and  managed to convert the network to dlc from caffe but I cannot do either of the following: quantize the model or load the model as part of an android app.

When trying to quantize I need to feed in the input to the network in the input-list file but since Faster RCNN expects more than one image input I can't seem to find any documantation explaining the right format for this input file.

When trying to load the model in the android app I get an exception.  

I feel like I am missing something, however I cannot find the right reference in the documentation.

Do you have any documentation/example code showing how to work with faster-rcnn that you can share with us? 
Is there a specific pre-trained module you are supporting that I am not aware of?
Do you have any benchmark for the runtime of faster-rcnn on the DSP? 
Since this model is formally supported I believe that this knowledge exists somewhere in Qualcomm but I cannot seem to reach it.


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Join Date: 28 Apr 17
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Posted: Tue, 2017-10-31 05:27

I am equally interested in this...have you made any progress?


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Join Date: 6 Aug 13
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Posted: Wed, 2017-11-01 10:41

SNPE 1.6.0 snpe-dlc-quantize cannot quantize models with multiple inputs or outputs.  So this model cannot be quantized offline using the snpe-dlc-quantize tool.  But, the SNPE runtime will quantize it on-the-fly when it is deploying it to the DSP. 

FasterRCNN support in SNPE has some limitations and some slight deviations from the public py-faster-rcnn project.  There is a bit of documentation in the user's guide, limitations section (on Proposal layer and ROIPool).

We will try to provide further documentation on this.  

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Join Date: 28 Dec 17
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Posted: Thu, 2017-12-28 19:11

How can I set the value of PRE_NMS_TOP_N and POST_NMS_TOP_N for the Proposal Layer ?

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Join Date: 15 Jun 17
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Posted: Thu, 2018-01-04 06:57

Hi jesliger,

I tried to set multiple output layers when load container, but I got NULL pointer for snpe, and I cannot get the error log about why snpe is set to NULL. Is it a bug of SNPE SDK?


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Join Date: 28 Dec 17
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Posted: Mon, 2018-01-22 02:15

Dear engineers at Qualcomm,

Is there any plan to write code for the Proposal Layer that can run on GPU ?



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Join Date: 24 Jul 18
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Posted: Wed, 2018-07-25 04:10

hi jesliger, 

  According to the limitations of Proposal layer and ROIPool, does  "max_num_rois" (an attribute of layer proposal) can  only be set to "1",  and other options doesn't make any sense? my snpe version is 1.17.0.

 Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

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